Spliting audio from video

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I am using a JVC Everio G series Hard Disk camcorder. I am not having
problems with compatability so far, but my question is... how can I save my
audio seperately from my video for later use. I am splicing/spliting the
video, but I want to keep the audio entegrity. Is this possible? And if so,
How do you go about it?
Art said:
I am using a JVC Everio G series Hard Disk camcorder. I
am not having problems with compatability so far, but my
question is... how can I save my audio seperately from my
video for later use. I am splicing/spliting the video,
but I want to keep the audio entegrity. Is this
possible? And if so, How do you go about it?
In Windows Movie Maker 2.1....
To save only the audio track of a video clip...
drag the video to the "Audio/Music" track.
Then go to...File / Save Movie File / ect...ect......

This will result in a .wma audio file. Be sure
to drag the clip all the way to the left on the
timeline or you will have dead air at the


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John Inzer
Picture It! MVP

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