Let's say that your database is called "Sales.mdb". (Make a COPY of this
database!! -- and place it somewher safe.)
Compact the database, but call the compacted database
"Sales_F.mdb (which will become the front-end -- everything
except tables).
Then rename "Sale.mdb" to "Sales_B.mdb (which will become
your "back-end -- tables only).
Next, delete everything from "Sales_B.mdb" EXCEPT the tables.
Next, open "Sales_F.mdb" and delete only the tables.
Then place your Sales_B.mdb file on the server in its permanent location.
Now, open "Sales_F.mdb", open from the menu:
Files --> Get External Data --> Link Tables. It will ask for
a path to Sales_B.mdb, but instead of choosing a drive letter, then path,
use a UNC (Universal Naming Convention) for the path. Generically, this
will be
something like \\ServerName\Share\dir1\dir2\Back_end.mdb
In real life it might be \\NTServer1\Pub_Data\DBdata\MDB\Sales_B.mdb
When you click OK, all of the tables on Sales_B.mdb should appear. Select
ALL of them, the OK. The tables (as they appear in Sales_F.mdb) should have
arrows next to each one, indicating the front-end is linked to the back-end
tables. (With the Sales_F.mdb still open, I would use the menu:
Tools --> Startup to have a certain form open when Sales_F.mdb is opened
"Display Form", as well as uncheck all the boxes, and give the application a
title --
an perhaps an icon.
Now, test out the front-end: Does it allow you to add/edit data? If "Yes",
then (with
the front-end CLOSED), use Tools --> Database Utilities --> Make MDE File
to make Sales_F.mdb into Sales_F.MDE (a compiled front-end).
Open Sales_F.MDE and test it out. If it works, then copy Sales_F.mdb onto
each PC that will be using this database -- the Sales_B.mdb stays on the
---Phil Szlyk