Hi guys
I have a 50 charecters long string and I need to examine every charectar individually, I thought of converting the string into and Char array of 50 and then go over the array, how can I split the string into my char array ? I do not have a delimiter between the characters in my string ( it looks like "000010100101......"
Or maybe there is a better way to examine each char (while knowing the char's position in the string) ?
Thanks !
I have a 50 charecters long string and I need to examine every charectar individually, I thought of converting the string into and Char array of 50 and then go over the array, how can I split the string into my char array ? I do not have a delimiter between the characters in my string ( it looks like "000010100101......"
Or maybe there is a better way to examine each char (while knowing the char's position in the string) ?
Thanks !