-----Original Message-----
Hi Ben,
I'm sure there are numerous ways of attacking this, but
I'll describe the way that I dealt with this problem in
the past (we had a database of hundreds of thousands of
records from a City Billing Agency to deal with).
In my case, and probably in your case, the data format
was not uniform so it wasn't possible to do all of the
updates at once - so this is what I did.
I added extra fields for all of the parsed data that I
wanted to populate, and also one field for the temporary
working address.
I started by copying the original address to the working
address field using an update query. And, as always, I
would make a copy of the database before making any
updates just in case.
I then looked at the data and parsed it step by step
using update queries.
For each step, I looked at the data and decided what I
could pull out by setting conditions (criteria) and using
string functions. I would then use the update query to
parse part of the address to the appropriate field, and
would subtract that part of the string from the working
address. Using the working address field in this way
allows you to have one field containing only the
remaining address pieces to be parsed, while leaving the
original address in tact to compare your results to.
For instance, I think I handled the PO Boxes first
because they did not fit most of the norms and I wanted
to get them out of the way first. First I did a few
direct updates on the working address to
modify "P.O." "PO" "P. O." etc to a uniform format (this
would be optional - but improves consistency)
Then, I ran an update query to extract the portion of the
string containg the P.O. Box info to the new target field
(you could have a dedicated PO Box field, or use Street
field - I think I used a dedicated field).
This update query would include criteria that the working
address is like "P.O. Box*", and the PO Box field would
be updated to left([WorkingAddress],8) while the working
address would be modified to right([WorkingAddress],len
([WorkingAddress])-8). Of course, you would have to
handle this in multiple passes if the P.O. Box info is
not in uniform condition.
Then, I think the next thing that I did was extract the
house numbers. For that one, I used the criteria that
the leftmost character was numeric, something like:
I would then use Instr([WorkingAddress]," ",1) to find
the position of the first space within the working
address, and use the left and right functions to update
the WorkingAddress and the HouseNo fields.
For example HouseNo would be left([WorkingAddress],Instr
([WorkingAddress]," ",1)-1). This says to take the left
portion of the string before the first space (the one in
the Instr function specifies to use text comparison). If
you wanted to be extra careful you could set another
where condition specifying that the result of this
function must be numeric - IsNumeric(left
([WorkingAddress],Instr([WorkingAddress]," ",1)-1)) = True
I would then repeat this with each portion of the
address. Generally, with each step, I would first start
with a select query to view the records that would meet
the criteria and the calculated values. If I saw some
records that wouldn't work right, I would adjust the
criteria to exclude them for a separate update, or adjust
the formula to work for all if possible.
To get to the main point of your original question, which
is how to extract other info than just the left portion,
you can use the following functions to extract any piece
of the string(Look in Access or VB help for details):
Left() - Extract left portion of string
Right() - Extract right portion of string
Mid() - Extract middle portion of string
Len() - Return Length of string
Instr() - Search for one string within another and return
InstrRev() - Same as above but from the right
IsNumeric() - True if the entire string being evaluated
is numeric
LCase() - convert to lowercase
StrConv() - Convert to lower, UPPER, or Title Case
And, I'm sure there are others that I'm not thinking of.
Mostly I find myself using left(), right() and mid() in
combination with len() and instr().
I'm not aware of any pre-programmed modules that will do
all this for you, but I wouldn't be surprised if they
exist - since this is a common task. But, it would be
difficult since the data being parsed is often in bad
shape, and not in consistent format. We had one database
that we received where they had just typed the mailing
info in four fields, for lines 1-4. Sometimes the street
address would be on line 2, sometimes on line 3, etc.
That was ugly.
Hopefully this will help somewhat. I guess the summary
of my approach is to look at the data and update as much
as I can in chunks according to patterns that I see in
the data. The number of updates that it would take would
depend on how bad the uniformity of the data is.
Post back if you have other questions.
-Ted Allen
-----Original Message-----
I'm working on a database for a client. They want the
database improved and the info displayed in a different
format. Short story: at the moment there is one address
field that contains "17 Some Street". I want to, within a
query, split that single field so that I end up with three
fields - as in "StrNumber", "StrName", "StrType".
I've worked out how to strip out the street number using
the Left function, but I can't work out how to do the rest.
Further problem, in case you're really feeling ambitious,
is that some of these address fields also contain
completely different strings, ie. "C/- Some Real Estate" or
"PO Box 99". It'd be great to be able to differentiate,
but I imagine that's a pretty big ask. I don't want to do
it manually because there are over 10000 records in this
table. And the reason I'm using a query is that I'm trying
to rebuild the database a little more efficiently by taking
a single 70-odd field table and splitting it down into more
relevant, related tables.
All help appreciated.