Split Scenes?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Justin
  • Start date Start date


Using MM 5.1 I no longer have the capability to split scenes. I can
either use CTRL+L or the little scene split button, but its greyed out.
I saved the project and reopened the file - it worked before.
Justin said:
Using MM 5.1 I no longer have the capability to split scenes. I can
either use CTRL+L or the little scene split button, but its greyed out.
I saved the project and reopened the file - it worked before.

Nobody knows?
I have to fudge it by inserting a clip and hitting undo. Also, it seems
once I insert a title I can't get the split scenes button to light up...
even after I make sure I'm clicking on the numbered area above the
Justin said:
Nobody knows?
I have to fudge it by inserting a clip and hitting undo. Also, it
seems once I insert a title I can't get the split scenes button to
light up... even after I make sure I'm clicking on the numbered area
above the timeline.
I don't know if the following info will be
useful but it couldn't hurt to give it a look:

"Splitting A Clip In MM2.1"

Drag the video/audio clip to the

Play the video/audio by clicking the
"Play" button under the view screen.

You will see the Playback Indicator
(vertical line) advancing across the

Click the "Pause" button at the point
where you wish to trim and type...
Ctrl+L or click the "Split" button at the
bottom of the view screen.
(you can also make adjustments by
dragging the Playback Indicator)

Make as many splits as you want and
remove the unwanted clips by right
click / delete.

And...Movie Maker 2.1 only displays every
other frame. In order to see all frames, the
following info from PapaJohn may be useful:


Movie Maker 2 shows you every-other-frame
when doing project editing. MM1 and Movie
Maker in Vista show you each frame.

It's usually not a problem when skipping over
the in-between frames, but sometimes you
notice a flickering frame in a clip that is a 'stray',
and you can't see or cut it out.

If you apply the Slow - Down - Half video effect
to a clip in the timeline, you are then seeing
each frame rather than every other one. You
can see the problem frame and split it out.
Then remove the effect from the clip to return
it to normal.


John Inzer
Digital Media MVP

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk
John said:
I don't know if the following info will be
useful but it couldn't hurt to give it a look:

"Splitting A Clip In MM2.1"

Drag the video/audio clip to the

Play the video/audio by clicking the
"Play" button under the view screen.

You will see the Playback Indicator
(vertical line) advancing across the

Click the "Pause" button at the point
where you wish to trim and type...
Ctrl+L or click the "Split" button at the
bottom of the view screen.
(you can also make adjustments by
dragging the Playback Indicator)

Make as many splits as you want and
remove the unwanted clips by right
click / delete.

And...Movie Maker 2.1 only displays every
other frame. In order to see all frames, the
following info from PapaJohn may be useful:


Movie Maker 2 shows you every-other-frame
when doing project editing. MM1 and Movie
Maker in Vista show you each frame.

It's usually not a problem when skipping over
the in-between frames, but sometimes you
notice a flickering frame in a clip that is a 'stray',
and you can't see or cut it out.

If you apply the Slow - Down - Half video effect
to a clip in the timeline, you are then seeing
each frame rather than every other one. You
can see the problem frame and split it out.
Then remove the effect from the clip to return
it to normal.

Unfortunately no.
I understand how scene splitting works. My problem is at random it
simply doesn't allow me to do so.
I work around it by importing another video clip, and then his undo,
magically the split scenes button is lit up.
Justin said:
Unfortunately no.
I understand how scene splitting works. My problem is at random it
simply doesn't allow me to do so.
I work around it by importing another video clip, and then his undo,
magically the split scenes button is lit up.
Sorry...I just thought maybe...

Anyway...it may be possible that your issue
is related to a damaged or outdated video driver.

Try reducing your Graphics Hardware Acceleration
as per the instructions in the following article.

(272193) PI: How to Troubleshoot
Graphics Issues
(scroll down to:
Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP)

If it improves the issue, you need to search the
support website of your Video adapter's mfg. for
an updated video driver.


John Inzer
Digital Media MVP

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk
John said:
Sorry...I just thought maybe...

Anyway...it may be possible that your issue
is related to a damaged or outdated video driver.

Try reducing your Graphics Hardware Acceleration
as per the instructions in the following article.

(272193) PI: How to Troubleshoot
Graphics Issues
(scroll down to:
Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP)

If it improves the issue, you need to search the
support website of your Video adapter's mfg. for
an updated video driver.

It is a standard DV file, there shouldn't be any incompatibilities.
I updated my nvidia driver and it does the same thing.