Murali Rajagopal
I have a numeric and text in the same cell, I want to remove the nummeric and
I want the text to be in the next column.. Please help how to do this..
for example: Cell A1 contains some numeric and text with space inbetween
nummeric and text ie,
cell A1 - 5823 Peter
cell A2 - 23 John
I want only the names peter and John in the next cell ie, B1 and B2..
I want the text to be in the next column.. Please help how to do this..
for example: Cell A1 contains some numeric and text with space inbetween
nummeric and text ie,
cell A1 - 5823 Peter
cell A2 - 23 John
I want only the names peter and John in the next cell ie, B1 and B2..