Here is the code I developed to pull the firstname and lastname using a query.
For the firstname I used: FNAME: Mid$([Name],1,InStr(1,[Name]," ",1))
[NAME] would be your field that contains the FirstName LastName. FNAME would
be the field that is displayed that shows the first name.
For the lastname I used: LNAME: Mid$([Name],InStr(1,[Name]," ",1)+1,Len(
[Name])-InStr(1,[Name]," ",1)+1)
Again, [NAME] is your field and this field will display the last name.
This above assumes that their is a space, (" "), between the FirstName
Hope this helps
I have basically the same question as Lisa except mine is in reverse. My
field is FirstName LastName. Can someone please help with how to code the
query to split the name field.