I have a split form with 2 fields showing. The Record Source is:
Select * From tblDvd ORDER BY Title, MovieType
While the form was in form view I selected the drop down from the column
for the DvdID field and selected 'Sort form smallest to largest.
It sorted ok but now I'm stuck with that sort. I double checked the Record
Source and it
remains Select * From tblDvd ORDER BY Title, MovieType. The form was fine
Why won't this change back?
I'll need to import the form from a backup. This is becoming a habit with
Access 2007.
Select * From tblDvd ORDER BY Title, MovieType
While the form was in form view I selected the drop down from the column
for the DvdID field and selected 'Sort form smallest to largest.
It sorted ok but now I'm stuck with that sort. I double checked the Record
Source and it
remains Select * From tblDvd ORDER BY Title, MovieType. The form was fine
Why won't this change back?
I'll need to import the form from a backup. This is becoming a habit with
Access 2007.