Split file



Hi there,
I keep accidentally splitting Excel files that I have open. So that when I
look on my Windows drop down menu, I see:

Orange file.xls:1
Orange file.xls:2

What am I doing wrong?



Clicking WINDOW in the menu & selecting NEW WINDOW opens another window with
the same workbook. There aren't 2 different versions of the file, just two
views of the same file, which is handy if you need to make edits in one area
of the workbook and wish to see the impact of those edits on formulas in
other areas of the workbook.

Click the Close Window command button, the smaller x button on the right
side of the menu bar to close extra windows.

JE McGimpsey

You're choosing Windows/New Window from the menu (either directly or
with a keyboard shortcut or macro).

If you close all but one of the windows, then save the file, there
should only be one window when you next open the file.

Gord Dibben

You are activating Window>New Window.

Close one of them then save.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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