Split email address into multiple fields

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vi
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Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone can help me with this? I would like to split an
email address into multiple columns:

For example:
(e-mail address removed)

I would like to have homer in 1 column, simpson in other. But what happens
when you have a middle initial?

Thanks in advance for any assistance

Parsing names is not a task for the faint-of-heart <g>!

For a first step, you could use a query and tell Access to take everything
before the "@" character with something like:

YourNewField: Left([YourEmailAddress], InStr([YourEmailAddress],"@") -

The next step would be to locate the first "." in that new string. You can
guarantee that ALL email addresses come as:



You can use a series of queries to parse the string until there are no more
"."s left.

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Oh yes, depending on the version of Access you are using, the newer versions
have a Split() function that you might be able to use to parse on "."s...

In a Table Named 'Email' and a Filed in that same table named 'Email', pop in
this SQL:
SELECT Email.Email, Left((e-mail address removed)
Hi Ryan/Vi,

I know different people do things differently.

In my experience, I've found that writing the logic out in a
Select statement can be difficult to understand and maintain. As
my contribution to this thread, here's how I'd tackle the

In summary, I'd write a public function in a standard module.
This function would do all the hard work of splitting the email
address. I'd call the function from a query. This would
create temporary fields in the query, for the FirstName,
MiddleInitials and LastName. I've found this technique is
usually easier to understand and maintain. You can set out and
document the logic more easily. A VBA function also gives better
flexibility and control over the final outcome. For example,
I've jazzed up the function by capitalizing the first letters of
the names.

The specifics are as follows:

1. First, I'd write out the logic for splitting the email
address in the public function, SplitEmailAddress().
I've chosen not to use the Split() function.

(Vi - You can copy and paste the following code into a new, blank
standard module.)


' An enumeration of long integer constants
' that determine what the SplitEmailAddress()
' function returns:
Public Enum NamePart
lngcFirstName = 1
lngcMiddleInitials = 2
lngcLastName = 3
End Enum

Public Function SplitEmailAddress( _
vntFieldValue As Variant, _
ReturnName As NamePart) As String

' IN:
' This function needs to be passed the
' email address in the vntFieldValue
' parameter (above).
' The incoming ReturnName parameter (above)
' determines whether this function returns
' the first name, middle initials or
' last name.
' OUT:
' This function returns the first name,
' middle initials or the last name that's
' in the email address, depending on whether
' the incoming ReturnName parameter
' is 1 or 2 or 3.

Dim strRetVal As String
Dim lngPos As Long
Dim lngPos1 As Long
Dim lngPos2 As Long
Dim lngPos3 As Long
Dim strNamePart As String
Dim strFirstName As String
Dim strMiddleInitials As String
Dim strLastName As String

' See if a non-string field was passed in:
If VarType(vntFieldValue) <> vbString Then
GoTo Exit_SplitEmailAddress
End If

' See if field is empty:
If IsNull(vntFieldValue) Then
GoTo Exit_SplitEmailAddress
End If

' See if field contains an @ sign:
lngPos = InStr(vntFieldValue, "@")
If lngPos = 0 Then
' Email address is invalid.
GoTo Exit_SplitEmailAddress
End If

' Get the name part of the email address:
strNamePart = Trim(Left(vntFieldValue, lngPos - 1))

' See if strNamePart contains a period:
lngPos1 = InStr(strNamePart, ".")
If lngPos1 = 0 Then
' If we're here, there's no period.
' Therefore, assume whole of strNamePart is
' last name:
strLastName = strNamePart
GoTo FixNames
End If

' See if name part contains a second period:
lngPos2 = InStr(lngPos1 + 1, strNamePart, ".")
If lngPos2 = 0 Then
' If we're here, there's only one period.
' Therefore, assume first name precedes
' the period and last name follows the
' period:
strFirstName = Left(strNamePart, lngPos1 - 1)
strLastName = Mid(strNamePart, lngPos1 + 1)
GoTo FixNames
End If

' If we're here, there's a second period.

' Search from end of string in case there
' are more than two periods:
lngPos3 = InStrRev(strNamePart, ".")

' Assume first name is before first period:
strFirstName = Trim(Left(strNamePart, lngPos1 - 1))

' Assume middle initials are between the
' first and last periods:
strMiddleInitials = Trim(Mid(strNamePart, _
lngPos1 + 1, lngPos3 - lngPos1 - 1))

' Assume last name is after last period:
strLastName = Trim(Mid(strNamePart, lngPos3 + 1))


' Capitalize first letter of first name:
strFirstName = UCase(Left(strFirstName, 1)) _
& Mid(strFirstName, 2)

' Capitalize the middle initials:
strMiddleInitials = UCase(strMiddleInitials)

' Capitalize first letter of last name:
strLastName = UCase(Left(strLastName, 1)) _
& Mid(strLastName, 2)

' Initialise this function's return value
' depending on the incoming ReturnName value:
Select Case ReturnName
Case lngcFirstName
strRetVal = strFirstName
Case lngcMiddleInitials
strRetVal = strMiddleInitials
Case lngcLastName
strRetVal = strLastName
Case Else
' Return nothing.
End Select


' Set this function's return value:
SplitEmailAddress = strRetVal

Exit Function

End Function


2. Secondly, I'd write a query using the following SELECT
statement. This calls the above function, SplitEmailAddress().

(Vi - you can copy and paste the following statement by opening a
new blank query in SQL view.)

SELECT Table1.*, SplitEmailAddress((e-mail address removed)
Hi Bob,

At your suggestion, I've taken a look at Allen's ParseWord()
function. One thing about it gives me pause for thought. Here
is my take on it. If anyone can throw any light on the subject,
I'd be glad to hear.

As you know, Allen's ParseWord() function is a generic solution
and, as such, is not a complete solution to Vi's problem, though
it could be part of a solution.

The main issue I have with Allen's function is his use of the
Nz() function with the vbNullString constant early on and his use
of vbNullString in a comparison expression later. He doesn't use
the IsNull() function, which I think would be preferable.

In testing for vbNullString, Allen appears to equate it with a
zero-length string. He says in his comment towards the end:
"Return the result, or a null if it is a zero-length string". He
follows this with "If strResult <> vbNullString Then".

Access help says (about vbNullString): "Not the same as a
zero-length string (""); used for calling external procedures".

My understanding is that the vbNullString constant places memory
address zero in a BStr. (BStr is the type of string used in VBA.)
Memory address zero indicates to VBA that the BStr doesn't point
to a string of characters in memory (not even a zero-length
string). Memory address zero has special significance to VBA
when calling external functions, like Windows API's.

When an external function is declared in VBA, it might have a
parameter declared "As String", when, in fact, the function will
accept a string or Null in the parameter. If you then pass
Null directly to the string parameter, VB's type-checking will
generate a run-time error. In contrast, if you pass
vbNullString, VBA will place memory address zero in the BStr (the
string variable acting as the parameter) and will, as a
consequence, pass Null to the external function. Significantly,
VBA's type-checking will be by-passed so that Null can be sent to
the function despite the parameter being declared "As String".

If a BStr contains a memory address greater than zero, it points
to a string of characters in memory, which might be of
zero-length. For example, a non-zero memory address is placed in
a BStr that points to a zero-length string when you write:
strMyString = "".

Allen compares strResult with vbNullString at the end of his
function ("If strResult <> vbNullString Then"). It seems the
vbNullString constant wasn't intended for use in comparison
expressions. It would be interesting to discover what, exactly,
is being compared in such an expression. As mentioned, I would
have used the IsNull() function at the beginning and re-coded


raskew via AccessMonster.com said:
Hi -

You might take at Allen Browne's code here:

Hi Ryan/Vi,

I know different people do things differently.

In my experience, I've found that writing the logic out in a
Select statement can be difficult to understand and maintain.
my contribution to this thread, here's how I'd tackle the

In summary, I'd write a public function in a standard module.
This function would do all the hard work of splitting the email
address. I'd call the function from a query. This would
create temporary fields in the query, for the FirstName,
MiddleInitials and LastName. I've found this technique is
usually easier to understand and maintain. You can set out and
document the logic more easily. A VBA function also gives
flexibility and control over the final outcome. For example,
I've jazzed up the function by capitalizing the first letters
the names.

The specifics are as follows:

1. First, I'd write out the logic for splitting the email
address in the public function, SplitEmailAddress().
I've chosen not to use the Split() function.

(Vi - You can copy and paste the following code into a new,
standard module.)


' An enumeration of long integer constants
' that determine what the SplitEmailAddress()
' function returns:
Public Enum NamePart
lngcFirstName = 1
lngcMiddleInitials = 2
lngcLastName = 3
End Enum

Public Function SplitEmailAddress( _
vntFieldValue As Variant, _
ReturnName As NamePart) As String

' IN:
' This function needs to be passed the
' email address in the vntFieldValue
' parameter (above).
' The incoming ReturnName parameter (above)
' determines whether this function returns
' the first name, middle initials or
' last name.
' OUT:
' This function returns the first name,
' middle initials or the last name that's
' in the email address, depending on whether
' the incoming ReturnName parameter
' is 1 or 2 or 3.

Dim strRetVal As String
Dim lngPos As Long
Dim lngPos1 As Long
Dim lngPos2 As Long
Dim lngPos3 As Long
Dim strNamePart As String
Dim strFirstName As String
Dim strMiddleInitials As String
Dim strLastName As String

' See if a non-string field was passed in:
If VarType(vntFieldValue) <> vbString Then
GoTo Exit_SplitEmailAddress
End If

' See if field is empty:
If IsNull(vntFieldValue) Then
GoTo Exit_SplitEmailAddress
End If

' See if field contains an @ sign:
lngPos = InStr(vntFieldValue, "@")
If lngPos = 0 Then
' Email address is invalid.
GoTo Exit_SplitEmailAddress
End If

' Get the name part of the email address:
strNamePart = Trim(Left(vntFieldValue, lngPos - 1))

' See if strNamePart contains a period:
lngPos1 = InStr(strNamePart, ".")
If lngPos1 = 0 Then
' If we're here, there's no period.
' Therefore, assume whole of strNamePart is
' last name:
strLastName = strNamePart
GoTo FixNames
End If

' See if name part contains a second period:
lngPos2 = InStr(lngPos1 + 1, strNamePart, ".")
If lngPos2 = 0 Then
' If we're here, there's only one period.
' Therefore, assume first name precedes
' the period and last name follows the
' period:
strFirstName = Left(strNamePart, lngPos1 - 1)
strLastName = Mid(strNamePart, lngPos1 + 1)
GoTo FixNames
End If

' If we're here, there's a second period.

' Search from end of string in case there
' are more than two periods:
lngPos3 = InStrRev(strNamePart, ".")

' Assume first name is before first period:
strFirstName = Trim(Left(strNamePart, lngPos1 - 1))

' Assume middle initials are between the
' first and last periods:
strMiddleInitials = Trim(Mid(strNamePart, _
lngPos1 + 1, lngPos3 - lngPos1 - 1))

' Assume last name is after last period:
strLastName = Trim(Mid(strNamePart, lngPos3 + 1))


' Capitalize first letter of first name:
strFirstName = UCase(Left(strFirstName, 1)) _
& Mid(strFirstName, 2)

' Capitalize the middle initials:
strMiddleInitials = UCase(strMiddleInitials)

' Capitalize first letter of last name:
strLastName = UCase(Left(strLastName, 1)) _
& Mid(strLastName, 2)

' Initialise this function's return value
' depending on the incoming ReturnName value:
Select Case ReturnName
Case lngcFirstName
strRetVal = strFirstName
Case lngcMiddleInitials
strRetVal = strMiddleInitials
Case lngcLastName
strRetVal = strLastName
Case Else
' Return nothing.
End Select


' Set this function's return value:
SplitEmailAddress = strRetVal

Exit Function

End Function


2. Secondly, I'd write a query using the following SELECT
statement. This calls the above function, SplitEmailAddress().

(Vi - you can copy and paste the following statement by opening
new blank query in SQL view.)

SELECT Table1.*, SplitEmailAddress(,1) AS FirstName,
SplitEmailAddress([Email],2) AS MiddleInitials,
SplitEmailAddress([Email],3) AS LastName
FROM Table1;

In the above Select statement:

* Table1 is the name of the table.
* [Email] is the name of the field containing the email
* SplitEmailAddress is the name of the public function in a
standard module.
* FirstName, MiddleInitials and LastName are new temporary
created by the query.

In a Table Named 'Email' and a Filed in that same table named
'Email', pop in[/QUOTE]
[quoted text clipped - 38 lines][QUOTE]
Thanks in advance for any assistance
Hey GeoffG! Just wanted to say that your function is pretty darn cool! I
knew it was possible to do something like that, but I certainly didn't know
how to do it! Awesome!!

I've got a lot to learn....


If this information was helpful, please indicate this by clicking ''Yes''.

GeoffG said:
Hi Bob,

At your suggestion, I've taken a look at Allen's ParseWord()
function. One thing about it gives me pause for thought. Here
is my take on it. If anyone can throw any light on the subject,
I'd be glad to hear.

As you know, Allen's ParseWord() function is a generic solution
and, as such, is not a complete solution to Vi's problem, though
it could be part of a solution.

The main issue I have with Allen's function is his use of the
Nz() function with the vbNullString constant early on and his use
of vbNullString in a comparison expression later. He doesn't use
the IsNull() function, which I think would be preferable.

In testing for vbNullString, Allen appears to equate it with a
zero-length string. He says in his comment towards the end:
"Return the result, or a null if it is a zero-length string". He
follows this with "If strResult <> vbNullString Then".

Access help says (about vbNullString): "Not the same as a
zero-length string (""); used for calling external procedures".

My understanding is that the vbNullString constant places memory
address zero in a BStr. (BStr is the type of string used in VBA.)
Memory address zero indicates to VBA that the BStr doesn't point
to a string of characters in memory (not even a zero-length
string). Memory address zero has special significance to VBA
when calling external functions, like Windows API's.

When an external function is declared in VBA, it might have a
parameter declared "As String", when, in fact, the function will
accept a string or Null in the parameter. If you then pass
Null directly to the string parameter, VB's type-checking will
generate a run-time error. In contrast, if you pass
vbNullString, VBA will place memory address zero in the BStr (the
string variable acting as the parameter) and will, as a
consequence, pass Null to the external function. Significantly,
VBA's type-checking will be by-passed so that Null can be sent to
the function despite the parameter being declared "As String".

If a BStr contains a memory address greater than zero, it points
to a string of characters in memory, which might be of
zero-length. For example, a non-zero memory address is placed in
a BStr that points to a zero-length string when you write:
strMyString = "".

Allen compares strResult with vbNullString at the end of his
function ("If strResult <> vbNullString Then"). It seems the
vbNullString constant wasn't intended for use in comparison
expressions. It would be interesting to discover what, exactly,
is being compared in such an expression. As mentioned, I would
have used the IsNull() function at the beginning and re-coded


raskew via AccessMonster.com said:
Hi -

You might take at Allen Browne's code here:

Hi Ryan/Vi,

I know different people do things differently.

In my experience, I've found that writing the logic out in a
Select statement can be difficult to understand and maintain.
my contribution to this thread, here's how I'd tackle the

In summary, I'd write a public function in a standard module.
This function would do all the hard work of splitting the email
address. I'd call the function from a query. This would
create temporary fields in the query, for the FirstName,
MiddleInitials and LastName. I've found this technique is
usually easier to understand and maintain. You can set out and
document the logic more easily. A VBA function also gives
flexibility and control over the final outcome. For example,
I've jazzed up the function by capitalizing the first letters
the names.

The specifics are as follows:

1. First, I'd write out the logic for splitting the email
address in the public function, SplitEmailAddress().
I've chosen not to use the Split() function.

(Vi - You can copy and paste the following code into a new,
standard module.)


' An enumeration of long integer constants
' that determine what the SplitEmailAddress()
' function returns:
Public Enum NamePart
lngcFirstName = 1
lngcMiddleInitials = 2
lngcLastName = 3
End Enum

Public Function SplitEmailAddress( _
vntFieldValue As Variant, _
ReturnName As NamePart) As String

' IN:
' This function needs to be passed the
' email address in the vntFieldValue
' parameter (above).
' The incoming ReturnName parameter (above)
' determines whether this function returns
' the first name, middle initials or
' last name.
' OUT:
' This function returns the first name,
' middle initials or the last name that's
' in the email address, depending on whether
' the incoming ReturnName parameter
' is 1 or 2 or 3.

Dim strRetVal As String
Dim lngPos As Long
Dim lngPos1 As Long
Dim lngPos2 As Long
Dim lngPos3 As Long
Dim strNamePart As String
Dim strFirstName As String
Dim strMiddleInitials As String
Dim strLastName As String

' See if a non-string field was passed in:
If VarType(vntFieldValue) <> vbString Then
GoTo Exit_SplitEmailAddress
End If

' See if field is empty:
If IsNull(vntFieldValue) Then
GoTo Exit_SplitEmailAddress
End If

' See if field contains an @ sign:
lngPos = InStr(vntFieldValue, "@")
If lngPos = 0 Then
' Email address is invalid.
GoTo Exit_SplitEmailAddress
End If

' Get the name part of the email address:
strNamePart = Trim(Left(vntFieldValue, lngPos - 1))

' See if strNamePart contains a period:
lngPos1 = InStr(strNamePart, ".")
If lngPos1 = 0 Then
' If we're here, there's no period.
' Therefore, assume whole of strNamePart is
' last name:
strLastName = strNamePart
GoTo FixNames
End If

' See if name part contains a second period:
lngPos2 = InStr(lngPos1 + 1, strNamePart, ".")
If lngPos2 = 0 Then
' If we're here, there's only one period.
' Therefore, assume first name precedes
' the period and last name follows the
' period:
strFirstName = Left(strNamePart, lngPos1 - 1)
strLastName = Mid(strNamePart, lngPos1 + 1)
GoTo FixNames
End If

' If we're here, there's a second period.

' Search from end of string in case there
' are more than two periods:
lngPos3 = InStrRev(strNamePart, ".")

' Assume first name is before first period:
strFirstName = Trim(Left(strNamePart, lngPos1 - 1))

' Assume middle initials are between the
' first and last periods:
strMiddleInitials = Trim(Mid(strNamePart, _
lngPos1 + 1, lngPos3 - lngPos1 - 1))

' Assume last name is after last period:
strLastName = Trim(Mid(strNamePart, lngPos3 + 1))


' Capitalize first letter of first name:
strFirstName = UCase(Left(strFirstName, 1)) _
& Mid(strFirstName, 2)

' Capitalize the middle initials:
strMiddleInitials = UCase(strMiddleInitials)

' Capitalize first letter of last name:
strLastName = UCase(Left(strLastName, 1)) _
& Mid(strLastName, 2)

' Initialise this function's return value
' depending on the incoming ReturnName value:
Select Case ReturnName
Case lngcFirstName
strRetVal = strFirstName
Case lngcMiddleInitials
strRetVal = strMiddleInitials
Case lngcLastName
strRetVal = strLastName
Case Else
' Return nothing.
End Select


' Set this function's return value:
SplitEmailAddress = strRetVal

Exit Function

End Function


2. Secondly, I'd write a query using the following SELECT
statement. This calls the above function, SplitEmailAddress().

(Vi - you can copy and paste the following statement by opening
new blank query in SQL view.)

SELECT Table1.*, SplitEmailAddress(,1) AS FirstName,
SplitEmailAddress([Email],2) AS MiddleInitials,
SplitEmailAddress([Email],3) AS LastName
FROM Table1;

In the above Select statement:

* Table1 is the name of the table.
* [Email] is the name of the field containing the email
* SplitEmailAddress is the name of the public function in a
standard module.
* FirstName, MiddleInitials and LastName are new temporary
created by the query.


In a Table Named 'Email' and a Filed in that same table named
'Email', pop in
[quoted text clipped - 38 lines]
Thanks in advance for any assistance
Hey, Ryan - Thanks.

If you can do battle with the Immediate If function, you can do
I've got a lot to learn....

If you haven't got them already:

The following website is a goldmine:
Access 2002 Desktop Developer's Handbook
Access 2002 Enterprise Developer's Handbook
VBA Developer's Handbook
Access Cookbook
These books are for older products, but they're excellent,
essential references, with techniques and tips that still work
just fine.

Check out:
Win32 API Programming with Visual Basic
(Great explanation of string types.)

