Here is a routine I use for my splash forms. The open or viewing time of
the splash form is adjustable.
Creat a module called Splash and paste this into the module. Change the
names as required. In your Startup have the splash form decalred as the
starting form.
Hope this helps,
Option Explicit
Dim gSplashStart ' The time when the splash screen opened.
Dim gSplashInterval ' The minimum time to leave the splash screen
' up.
Dim gSplashForm ' The name of the splash screen form.
' FUNCTION: SplashStart()
' PURPOSE: Used to invoke the splash screen form specified by the
' SplashForm argument.
' SplashForm - The name of the form to use as the splash
' screen.
' SplashInterval - The minimum time, in seconds, that the splash
' screen must remain active on the screen.
Function SplashStart(ByVal SplashForm As String, ByVal _
SplashInterval As Integer)
' Open the splash form.
DoCmd.OpenForm SplashForm ' In Microsoft Access 97 and 7.0.
' Set the starting time.
gSplashStart = Timer
' Record the global information.
gSplashInterval = SplashInterval
gSplashForm = SplashForm
End Function
' FUNCTION: SplashEnd()
' PURPOSE: Used to close the splash screen form opened by the
' SplashStart() function. This function checks to ensure that
' the splash screen remains active until the user-specified
' interval has expired.
Function SplashEnd()
Dim RetVal
' Loop until the splash screen has been active for
' the desired interval.
Do Until Timer - gSplashStart > gSplashInterval
' Yield control so other applications can process.
RetVal = DoEvents()
' Close the splash screen.
DoCmd.Close acForm, gSplashForm ' In Microsoft Access 97 and 7.0.
End Function
Option Explicit
Dim gSplashStart ' The time when the splash screen opened.
Dim gSplashInterval ' The minimum time to leave the splash screen
' up.
Dim gSplashForm ' The name of the splash screen form.
' FUNCTION: SplashStart()
' PURPOSE: Used to invoke the splash screen form specified by the
' SplashForm argument.
' SplashForm - The name of the form to use as the splash
' screen.
' SplashInterval - The minimum time, in seconds, that the splash
' screen must remain active on the screen.
Function SplashStart(ByVal SplashForm As String, ByVal _
SplashInterval As Integer)
' Open the splash form.
DoCmd.OpenForm SplashForm ' In Microsoft Access 97 and 7.0.
' Set the starting time.
gSplashStart = Timer
' Record the global information.
gSplashInterval = SplashInterval
gSplashForm = SplashForm
End Function
' FUNCTION: SplashEnd()
' PURPOSE: Used to close the splash screen form opened by the
' SplashStart() function. This function checks to ensure that
' the splash screen remains active until the user-specified
' interval has expired.
Function SplashEnd()
Dim RetVal
' Loop until the splash screen has been active for
' the desired interval.
Do Until Timer - gSplashStart > gSplashInterval
' Yield control so other applications can process.
RetVal = DoEvents()
' Close the splash screen.
DoCmd.Close acForm, gSplashForm ' In Microsoft Access 97 and 7.0.
End Function