Can you open a space for reporting typos and poor grammar?
spyguy said:Example:
At: Application Agent Checkpoints/Script Blocking
Helps prevent spyware or "potenitally unwanred" [sic] scripts...
= "potentially unwanted"
Where's the best place to report such errors?
spyguy said:Can you open a space for reporting typos and poor grammar?
Bill Sanderson said:As Engel says, its open. But before you expend too much energy typing
corrections--here's the deal: The product is being revised completely for
beta2. I won't promise that all such issues are gone in beta2, but every
dialog will be gone over as the product is changed to allow for
localization, for example. So you'd be better off biding your time and
pouncing on what you see in beta2 when it arrives at some time before the
end of March.