I had the same problem too. Any remedy????
From: "CJJE" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: spelling check
Date: Saturday, 30 June, 2007 3:58 AM
I thought the reason we pay M$ such inflated prices when compared with the
American market was because they had to correct their spellings to suit our
needs!! As they obviously can't be bothered to make Mail spell words
correctly, we're better off junking it and finding an alternative! Or is it
another pathetic attempt to force us to buy Outlook like the way Mail and
Calendar won't link to a Pocket PC?
CJJE (fed up with Mail trying to correct my ENGLISH spellings into American
From: "CJJE" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: spelling check
Date: Saturday, 30 June, 2007 3:58 AM
I thought the reason we pay M$ such inflated prices when compared with the
American market was because they had to correct their spellings to suit our
needs!! As they obviously can't be bothered to make Mail spell words
correctly, we're better off junking it and finding an alternative! Or is it
another pathetic attempt to force us to buy Outlook like the way Mail and
Calendar won't link to a Pocket PC?
CJJE (fed up with Mail trying to correct my ENGLISH spellings into American