Spelling of "Favorites"

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I know this is a pretty pedantic question, but can anyone help me to change
the spelling of "Favorites" in Internet Explorer 6, to be spelled in
UK/Australian English - "Favourites"?

There is a generation of confused kids growing up in our countries. Can this
be fixed please?
Is there an Australian or UK version of Internet Explorer available from
Microsoft's international web site? I would look for it myself but,
quite frankly, I'm feeling lazy today.
DavidinOz said:
I know this is a pretty pedantic question, but can anyone help me to change
the spelling of "Favorites" in Internet Explorer 6, to be spelled in
UK/Australian English - "Favourites"?

That should actually be a function of Windows not IE. Under Control Panel >
Regional and Language options, what do you have chosen as "Standards and
formats" and "Location"?
Sorry for the bad news, but I cannot see that it will ever be anything
else except "Favorites" in Internet Explorer 6.
It is far too deeply ingrained in the system to change.

Come-on David,

John and George are best of mates, its the least we can do is to adopt a bit
more American culture.

(For the non-australian readers out there)
The current political debate here in oz is on a plan to require new
immigrants to speak english(no debate yet on what version) and addopt
Australian values. We can only hope that they won't be required to spell and
read it or our north American friends will not be able to gain entry.

Perhaps the acid test is that they must be able to at least spell and
pronounce this word(favo(u)rites) in en-au, en-us, en-uk and en-nz. We have
adopted a tollerance of multi-culturalism, colo(u)r and race (cars), is it
that hard to accept pretty miss pellings(no not my teacher in prime(h)arry
God Save the Kween's Inglish(inglish is actually the Bahasa Indonesian word
for English). (She may be the Kween of Ingland but she's also the Kween of
Oz 2)
(Any spelling or grammatical errors in this reply are not realy errors but
typos! 'cause my Google (is it a Noun or Verb?) spellchecker only does
French and I am only a C# program(m)er)
ppl knt spl en.
Well I think Oz is stuck with certain US assumptions where MS is concerned,
being English but living in Iowa I tend to converse using either spelling
depending on who the recipient is, however it is annoying that the OE spell
checker (Using Office 2003) refuses to remember any alternatives I try to

As an amusing Aside I recently had a Mexican apply for a job.

He could not read or write and only spoke Spanish. If that not handicaps
enough he also had a broken arm. Have to admire his determination, must have
had someone else complete the application form :)

FWIW, OE spell checker (Win XP SP2 + Office 2003) works fine with me
and remembers alternatives.

Really? Hmm, I can't recall it ever working on here. Mind you I don't use
word that much and when I do it's usually with American spellings so maybe I
will try changing a few in word and see if that actually "Sticks".

We may be talking at cross-purposes.
I don't use Word at all so all changes in spelling are made in OE, not
Word. They all stick there.

I don't think we are but to clarify...

I have Office 2003 installed so I am just "Assuming" OE is getting the
spelling checker from there. I add something in OE but it does not stick.

My reference to Word is only because I assume it the MS Word spellchecker
being used. I do not recall ever adding anything in Word but some time will
try adding a variation there and see if it carries across to OE. I only use
Word occasionally on this machine and then only for things which use the US

OK. Same wavelength.
Yes, the MS Word spell checker (Office 2003) is being used by OE for
me also.
Things seem to stick in OE for me but I will try and do some more
serious checking and get back to this thread.

Okay I just added colour, neighbours and favourite to the checker in a word

Not OE seems to be accepting them as well, previously it would have picked
them up when sending.

Thanks for the feedback.


Okay I just added colour, neighbours and favourite to the checker in a word

Not OE seems to be accepting them as well, previously it would have picked
them up when sending.
