If the Spellcheck dictionary contains words that are incorrectly spelled, how do you remove them so that your documents are not corrected wrongly?
For example: I typed "indors" (an incorrect spelling of "indoors"), and the pop-up menu suggested "indorse" (an incorrect spelling of "endorse"). I assume someone else who had used the computer previously entered it into the dictionary, not realizing that it was incorrect, but I wish to be able to correct this sort of mistake in the dictionary to prevent future users from making the same mistake unwittingly.
For example: I typed "indors" (an incorrect spelling of "indoors"), and the pop-up menu suggested "indorse" (an incorrect spelling of "endorse"). I assume someone else who had used the computer previously entered it into the dictionary, not realizing that it was incorrect, but I wish to be able to correct this sort of mistake in the dictionary to prevent future users from making the same mistake unwittingly.