Spell Checking


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
I've been a busy bee today and added spell checking capabilities to the site - finally ;)

Its taken about 3 years for a proper working solution to arrive for the site, but it seems to be here now. Let me know if there are any bugs or problems :)
Nice one Ian :thumb:

Maybe I will now be able to understand what people are wanting.:eek:
Yeah nice one Ian.. I don't need such things, but I'm sure 95% of people who come on here by the look of there posts, certainly do...
One can always make use of a spell chequer ... mucks wonder if its US or UK versions.

... and how does it work, I just tried and lost this post. :confused:
Hey Ian, is the spell check in effect yet, :( I'm most in need but I don't see a button or notice an error when I mistype.
It should activate if you make a new thread, click "reply" or edit a post - its along the bottom set of buttons next to submit and preview. I'll see if I can add it to quick reply now, as I guess thats the problem ;)

Mucks, how did it lose it? Did you click spell check and the text disappeared?
Ian ... when posting a link, say To here something is messing with it ... it won't be the new spell checker, would it?

EDIT ... hmmm, that worked ok. :confused:
crazylegs said:
Yeah nice one Ian.. I don't need such things, but I'm sure 95% of people who come on here by the look of there posts, certainly do...

My my, it would appear crazylegs is one of the country's gifted elite 5% ;)

Wish I had a brain......
floppybootstomp said:
My my, it would appear crazylegs is one of the country's gifted elite 5% ;)

Wish I had a brain......
Cut that out Floppy, we only use 10% of what we've got anyway ... :p

Let me see if this spoilt chicken works ... WOW!! :thumb:
Ian Cunningham said:
Mucks, how did it lose it? Did you click spell check and the text disappeared?
I pressie the wong buttonie ... :o
muckshifter said:
Cut that out Floppy, we only use 10% of what we've got anyway ... :p

uh oh, me been told off :o

me bad :eek:

I shall go and stand in the corner in the litter bin for half an hour sir...... ;)
Itsme has just let me know why some people might be having problems, it uses a pop-up - which means it may cause problems if you have them blocked (there are no pop-ups other than that on this site, so it should be safe to enable for this site ;)).
Ok, let's try this thing, I have win xp pop-up blocker enabled.



I recieved a concience from a parralell beeing who quowted an intence eqwation too me.


I received a conscience from a parallel being who quoted an intense intense too me.

lol, almost there ;) I'm wondering how it made 'eqwation' into 'intense' And it missed 'too' as well, though I guess it's not a grammar checker.
My apiologies Mr Cunningham, never looked next to preview post. going to type this out as as fast as aI can and see just how easy it is to use your spell checker.

.......amazing, thank you, most appreciated
It did a good job, but in my earlier post it missed that 'aI' assuming that is an acutal word, pretty good.