speeding up calculation: replacing array formula with databasefunction?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Amedee Van Gasse
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Amedee Van Gasse


I could use some advice on optimizing a formula.
I currently have the following array formula in the cells of column D:


In words: take the highest value of column B for every cell in B where
the value in column A is equal to the current value of A.

01/04/2010 5937 5937
01/04/2010 5936 5937
07/04/2010 5943 5943
07/04/2010 5942 5943

As we all know, excessive usage of array formulas makes calculation
painfully slow. As you can see I am now at row 13695 and rows keep
getting added.

Can the formula be constructed in another way, for example with
database functions.
I suppose that I could use the DMAX function, but I've been staring at
the third parameter (criterium) and I can't wrap my mind around it.
All documentation seems to suggest that I need a separate table for
the criterium.

If a database function is the wrong way to go, please tell me.
I would say it is a good way to go, but you do have to setup the criteria as
a separate table. But that is good IMO, as you have the criteria clearly
defined, visible and auditable, not embedded in a formula.

Plus, you don't have to worry about ranges, you can use the whole columns,

One other thing, the master data has to have headings.
I would say it is a good way to go, but you do have to setup the criteria as
a separate table. But that is good IMO, as you have the criteria clearly
defined, visible and auditable, not embedded in a formula.

Plus, you don't have to worry about ranges, you can use the whole columns,

One other thing, the master data has to have headings.

Hi Bob,

No problem with the headings.

K1 is obviously the same as the heading of column A, "Date".
But I am really confused about what I should put in K2.

Perhaps I should mention that I don't need this DMAX value one time,
but on every row, depending on the current value in column A.

Your array formula was checking the dates against $A13695, so you can just
put =$A13695 in K2, that is what I did in my test, it does not have to be a
static value (It could even be the result of a formula, i.e. an expression).

Your array formula was checking the dates against $A13695, so you can just
put =$A13695 in K2, that is what I did in my test, it does not have to be a
static value (It could even be the result of a formula, i.e. an expression).


On row 2 the array formula is checking the dates against $A2.
On row 3 the array formula is checking the dates against $A3.
On row 4 the array formula is checking the dates against $A4.
On row 13695 the array formula is checking the dates against $A13695.

Does that mean that I have to enter an array formula in K2??
Assuming you data is sorted (or can be sorted) on column A and starts
in Row 2 then you don't need array formulas:

in column C (or somewhere suitable) add a helper column containing
and fill down
in Column D put
and fill down

If you can Sort Ascending on Column A and Descending on Column B
then you would just need this formula (filled down) in D

Assuming you data is sorted (or can be sorted) on column A and starts
in Row 2 then you don't need array formulas:

Your assumption is correct. The data is (or can be) sorted: column A
ascending, column B descending.
One problem: the data in B isn't always numerical. Sometimes it is the
text "N/A", and that gets sorted before the numbers.
I will have to add a bit of code to the import function, to replace "N/
A" (or any non-numerical text) with the value 0.
Something like

shDAT.Cells(NewRow, 2).Value = Val(cvsf.getItem(i).Version)

so that Val("Kilmer") = 0.

in column C (or somewhere suitable) add a helper column containing
and fill down
in Column D put
and fill down

If you can Sort Ascending on Column A and Descending on Column B
then you would just need this formula (filled down) in D

Meh. I should have thought of that. KISS.
Thanks Charles. Calculation is now several magnitudes faster.
I still have to clock the time increase because of implementing the
Val() function, but I can't imagine that it will add a lot.

I know Charles has suggested an alternative approach, but to get DMAX
working in your case I think you would need to have a table of all of the
unique dates, like so

Amt.........Amt.........Amt etc

and then point at the relevant criteria.

For instance


where K2:L2 is that extended criteria table.

I know Charles has suggested an alternative approach, but to get DMAX
working in your case I think you would need to have a table of all of the
unique dates, like so

Amt.........Amt.........Amt etc

and then point at the relevant criteria.

For instance


where K2:L2 is that extended criteria table.

Thank you Bob, but that would increase complexity.
I went with Charles' approach.
By adding the Val() function in my import procedure, I could also
remove an IF in another formula.
All together I only had to change 3 lines of code.

But thanks anyway.
I agree, even though my suggestion isn't really complex Charles' is a
better approach for your situation. But as I had worked it out I shared it,
all adds to our knowledge base <bg>