speeding up a file conversion from text file to XML format

  • Thread starter Thread starter Peter Newman
  • Start date Start date

Peter Newman

HI, Im usning vb.net ( 2005 ) & SQL Server 2005. I have been asked to try
and improve the importing of files into SQL for old legacy system. The file
are submitted to the company by FTP, decrypted. ( sample file below )

I have written a module to convert this file into an XML file which imports
to the SQL very quickly. The problem I have come up with is generating the
XML File, when files are received in with inexcess of 4000 data records (
data recorded marked for with *** for identification only in the sample ).
The client is online waiting for a report, which is not generated till the
file has been imported to the SQL. In testing with a file of 4000 records it
is taking 2 minutes + to generate the xml file and 4 seconds to import it. I
need to find a way to reduce the time it takes to generate the XML style file
or come up with an alternative. The option of upgrading the clients software
to submit XML files is not an option, so the problem remains in-house. The
XML file is generated on the FTP server itself so I cant even blame a slow
network. Any suggestions are most welcome

( below Sample file & source Code – modified to protect snesitive data )

Sample File

"(e-mail address removed)"
"(e-mail address removed)"
"111111 SERVICE Serial: 839 THIS IS A TEST"
"22222233333333 COMPANY NAME BANK REF 000000000010099" ***


Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO

Module XMLBuilder
Private XML_DOC As New XmlDocument
Public CURRENTFILE As String = ""
Dim ROOT As XmlElement
Public sr As StreamReader
Private iCount As Integer = 0
Private InputLine As String = ""
Public LICENCENUM As String = ""
Public PIN As String = ""
Public SERIAL As String = ""
Public ORIGACC As String = ""
Private PASSTRAILER As Boolean = False
Public LEDGERKEY As String = ""
Public lupBacsID As String = ""
Public lupOrigSC As String = ""
Public lupOrigACNO As String = ""
Public lupOrigACNA As String = ""
Public lupCountry As String = ""

Public Sub OpenFile(ByVal FileName As String)
Dim sr As New StreamReader(FileName)
End Sub

Public Function BuildXMLFile(ByVal FullFileName As String) As Boolean
'Create the Doc
Dim Root As XmlElement
' open the file and get info
Dim sr As New StreamReader(CURRENTFILE)
For iCount = 1 To 10
Select Case iCount
Case 1
LICENCENUM = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
Case 2
PIN = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
Case 3
TRANSCOUNT = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
Case 4
FILEVALUE = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
Case 5
SERIAL = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
Case 6
MOVEDATE = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
Case 7
ORIGACC = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
End Select

'Get Originating Account Details

Dim GetOrigCommand As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
GetOrigCommand.CommandText = "Select BACSID, SortCode,AccNumber,
AccName From MYSQL.TABLE where (Licence = '" & LICENCENUM & "' AND AccountID
= '" & ORIGACC & "')"
GetOrigCommand.CommandTimeout = 60
GetOrigCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
GetOrigCommand.Connection = FTP_Connection
Dim DataReader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
DataReader = GetOrigCommand.ExecuteReader
If DataReader.HasRows Then
lupBacsID = DataReader(0).ToString
lupOrigSC = DataReader(1).ToString
lupOrigACNO = DataReader(2).ToString
lupOrigACNA = DataReader(3).ToString
End If

Catch ex As Exception
writetolog("Error Looking up OrigAcc")
End Try

XML_DOC.LoadXml("<SQLImporter name='" & LICENCENUM & "." & SERIAL &
"' type='Transmission File' version='2.1238'></SQLImporter>")
Root = XML_DOC.DocumentElement
' Set LedgetKey
LEDGERKEY = “772857mkkkSoe]7781<hhws†' Sample LedgetKey
' Create the Header Element
CreateHeaderElement(XML_DOC, Root)
' Create Transactions Element
CreateTransactionsElement(XML_DOC, Root)
' Save the file
XML_DOC.Save(DayFileArch & "\XMLFiles\" & MovedFileName)

' check file has been written and size is > 0
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(DayFileArch &
"\BankingFiles\XMLFiles\" & MovedFileName) Then
BuildXMLFile = True
BuildXMLFile = False
End If
End Function
' Add the Header Elements
Friend Sub CreateHeaderElement(ByRef m_doc As Xml.XmlDocument, ByVal
parent As Xml.XmlNode)
Dim Newlayer As XmlElement = m_doc.CreateElement("HeaderFile") '
Creating an element
' Add the Header Elements
AddHeaderElement(XML_DOC, Newlayer)
'add the layer to the parent
End Sub
'Add the Transaction Elemennts
Friend Sub CreateTransactionsElement(ByRef m_doc As Xml.XmlDocument,
ByVal parent As Xml.XmlNode)
Dim Newlayer As XmlElement = m_doc.CreateElement("Transactions") '
Creating an element
'Add a grand child element
' Write Tranmsactions to file
Dim sr As New StreamReader(CURRENTFILE)
' Move to line 11
For iCount = 1 To 10
' create transactions
Dim cont As Integer = 0
InputLine = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
If InStr(InputLine, "TRAILER RECORD") Then Exit Do
AddTransactionElement(XML_DOC, Newlayer, InputLine)
'add the layer to the parent
Loop Until InStr(InputLine, "TRAILER RECORD") > 0
End Sub

Friend Sub AddTransactionElement(ByRef m_doc As Xml.XmlDocument, ByVal
parent As Xml.XmlNode, ByVal TransactionRecord As String)
' Dim the Element Name
Dim Transaction As XmlElement = m_doc.CreateElement("Transaction") '
Creating an element
' Set the Attributes
Dim LedgerRef As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("LedgerRef")
Dim Licence As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("Licence")
Dim SortCode As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("SortCode")
Dim AccountNumber As XmlAttribute =
Dim AccountName As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("AccountName")
Dim BankRef As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("BankRef")
Dim TransValue As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("Value")
Dim TransType As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("Type")
' Set the values
LedgerRef.InnerText = LEDGERKEY
SortCode.InnerText = Mid(TransactionRecord, 1, 6)
Licence.InnerText = LICENCENUM
AccountNumber.InnerText = Mid(TransactionRecord, 7, 8)
AccountName.InnerText = Trim(CStr(Mid(TransactionRecord, 15, 18)))
BankRef.InnerText = Trim(CStr(Mid(TransactionRecord, 13, 18)))
TransValue.InnerText = Mid(TransactionRecord, 51, 11)
TransType.InnerText = Mid(TransactionRecord, 62, 2)
'add the elements to the layer node
'add the layer to the parent
End Sub
Friend Sub AddHeaderElement(ByRef m_doc As Xml.XmlDocument, ByVal parent
As Xml.XmlNode)

' Dim the Element Name
Dim Header As XmlElement = m_doc.CreateElement("Header") ' Creating
an element
' Set the Attributes
Dim LicenceNo As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("Licence")
Dim LegerRef As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("LedgerKey")
Dim BacsID As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("BACSid")
Dim OriginatingAcc As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("OrigAcc")
Dim ORSortCode As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("OrigSortCode")
Dim ORAccNumber As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("OrigAccount")
Dim ORAccName As XmlAttribute =
Dim SerialNo As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("SerialNo")
Dim PinNum As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("PinNumber")
Dim SubType As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("SubmissionType")
Dim FileState As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("FileStatus")
Dim TransCouunt As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("TransCount")
Dim TransValue As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("TransValue")
Dim RecievedDate As XmlAttribute =
Dim PayDate As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("MoveDate")
Dim Transmitted As XmlAttribute =
Dim Volume As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("BureauVolume")
Dim BuildOper As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("BuildOperator")
Dim TXOper As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("TxOperator")
Dim InvNo As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("InvoiceNumber")
Dim Index As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("SubIndex")
Dim BReport As XmlAttribute = m_doc.CreateAttribute("InputReport")

' Set the values
LegerRef.InnerText = LEDGERKEY
LicenceNo.InnerText = LICENCENUM
BacsID.InnerText = lupBacsID
OriginatingAcc.InnerText = ORIGACC
ORSortCode.InnerText = lupOrigSC
ORAccNumber.InnerText = lupOrigACNO
ORAccName.InnerText = lupOrigACNA
SerialNo.InnerText = SERIAL
PinNum.InnerText = PIN
Select Case PIN
Case "TEST"
SubType.InnerText = PIN
Case Else
SubType.InnerText = "Live"
End Select
FileState.InnerText = "Unsubmitted"
TransCouunt.InnerText = TRANSCOUNT
TransValue.InnerText = FILEVALUE
RecievedDate.InnerText = Now.ToShortDateString
PayDate.InnerText = MOVEDATE
Transmitted.InnerText = ""
Volume.InnerText = "000000"
BuildOper.InnerText = ""
TXOper.InnerText = ""
InvNo.InnerText = ""
Index.InnerText = ""
BReport.InnerText = ""
'add the elements to the layer node
'add the layer to the parent
End Sub

This creates an XML file from a database server

dim ds as new dataset
cim conn as new connection(connectionstring)
dim da as new sqldataadapter(conn)
Hi Cor,

Thank you for your response. The XML file i am producing comes from a
standered text file not from a database, unless i am reeading your answer
wrong. The issue i have is not with the importing of the XML into the SQL
tables, but the creating of the XML file itself from a text file
Peter said:
HI, Im usning vb.net ( 2005 ) & SQL Server 2005. I have been asked
to try and improve the importing of files into SQL for old legacy
system. The file are submitted to the company by FTP, decrypted. (
sample file below )

I have written a module to convert this file into an XML file which
imports to the SQL very quickly. The problem I have come up with is
generating the XML File, when files are received in with inexcess of
4000 data records ( data recorded marked for with *** for
identification only in the sample ). The client is online waiting for
a report, which is not generated till the file has been imported to
the SQL. In testing with a file of 4000 records it is taking 2
minutes + to generate the xml file and 4 seconds to import it. I need
to find a way to reduce the time it takes to generate the XML style
file or come up with an alternative. The option of upgrading the
clients software to submit XML files is not an option, so the problem
remains in-house. The XML file is generated on the FTP server itself
so I cant even blame a slow network. Any suggestions are most welcome

That's a pretty big sample. :)

A couple of thoughts occur to me:

It seems like most of the activity is adding the Transaction XmlElement 4000
times. Couldn't you define the Transaction element, and its attributes, just one
time, and then use cloneNode (or something similar) to copy it, changing the
attributes as needed each time?

It might help to read the incoming text file into an array, and process it from
there, instead of pausing to read the next line as you add each transaction. Or
it might make no difference, but it might be worth checking on it.

The final thought is that given that you have a tightly defined xml structure to
produce, you might consider just creating it yourself using strings, instead of
using the DOM. There is bound to be a lot of extra checking of things going on
in there. Building the strings yourself is not so difficult; it is just a lot of
concatenating of "<elemname>", "attribname=" + attribvalue + ",", "</elemname>",
etc. Might be worth it.
Thanks Steve,
I will give that a go when i get in the office and keep you posted.
to the SQL very quickly. The problem I have come up with is generating the
XML File, when files are received in with inexcess of 4000 data records (
Sample File

"(e-mail address removed)"
"(e-mail address removed)"
"111111 SERVICE Serial: 839 THIS IS A TEST"
"22222233333333 COMPANY NAME BANK REF 000000000010099" ***

What do the lines with QQQQQQQ stand for? Are they read?


Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO

Module XMLBuilder
Private XML_DOC As New XmlDocument
Public CURRENTFILE As String = ""
Dim ROOT As XmlElement
Public sr As StreamReader
Private iCount As Integer = 0
Private InputLine As String = ""
Public LICENCENUM As String = ""
Public PIN As String = ""
Public SERIAL As String = ""
Public ORIGACC As String = ""
Private PASSTRAILER As Boolean = False
Public LEDGERKEY As String = ""
Public lupBacsID As String = ""
Public lupOrigSC As String = ""
Public lupOrigACNO As String = ""
Public lupOrigACNA As String = ""
Public lupCountry As String = ""

Public Sub OpenFile(ByVal FileName As String)
Dim sr As New StreamReader(FileName)
End Sub

Public Function BuildXMLFile(ByVal FullFileName As String) As Boolean
'Create the Doc
Dim Root As XmlElement
' open the file and get info
Dim sr As New StreamReader(CURRENTFILE)
For iCount = 1 To 10
Select Case iCount
Case 1
LICENCENUM = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
Case 2
PIN = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
Case 3
TRANSCOUNT = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
Case 4
FILEVALUE = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
Case 5
SERIAL = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
Case 6
MOVEDATE = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
Case 7
ORIGACC = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
End Select

What is the purpose of this for loop and select case? They don't seem
to serve a purpose. Just remove them:
Dim sr As New StreamReader(CURRENTFILE)
LICENCENUM = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
PIN = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
TRANSCOUNT = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
FILEVALUE = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
SERIAL = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
MOVEDATE = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)
ORIGACC = StripQuotes(sr.ReadLine)

Friend Sub CreateTransactionsElement(ByRef m_doc As Xml.XmlDocument,
ByVal parent As Xml.XmlNode)
Dim Newlayer As XmlElement = m_doc.CreateElement("Transactions") '
Creating an element
'Add a grand child element
' Write Tranmsactions to file
Dim sr As New StreamReader(CURRENTFILE)
' Move to line 11
For iCount = 1 To 10

Here you are re-opening the file and reading the first 10 lines
again. In effect you are reading the first 10 lines of each file
twice. Instead, up in the code earlier where you read the first 10
lines and store their values, go ahead and read all the transactions
into an List(Of String) or something so you don't waste the time
duplicating the file I/O.

And finally, you might approach the problem a little differently.
Create two classes. One for the SqlImporter object and another for
the Transaction object. The SqlImporter will have a collection
property to hold the transactions. Then load the file and create the
objects and then use the Xml serializer to create the XML. You just
work with the object and let the serializer create the XML for you.
You can decorate your classes properties with the appropriate
attributes to control how the xml file will be created. It will make
your code much more readable and maintainable.

Here's some simple classes that shows how to serialize and deserialize
to and from XML. You just create instances of the class, populate
it's properties and then call the Serialize method to create the

Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Imports System.IO

Public Sub Main()

Dim s As New SqlImporter()
s.LicenseNumber = "123456"
s.HeaderFile = "header file"

Dim t As New Transaction()
'set t properties here


'Finally, serialize to xml:
SqlImporter.Save("filename.xml", s)

End Sub

<Serializable()> _
Public Class SqlImporter

Public Sub New()
_transactions = New List(Of Transaction)()
End Sub

Private _licenseNumber As String
<XmlAttribute("name")> _
Public Property LicenseNumber() As String
Return _licenseNumber
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_licenseNumber = value
End Set
End Property

Private _headerFile As String
<XmlAttribute("headerFile")> _
Public Property HeaderFile() As String
Return _headerFile
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_headerFile = value
End Set
End Property

Private _transactions As List(Of Transaction)
<XmlArray("Transactions"), XmlArrayItem("Transaction",
GetType(Transaction))> _
Public Property Transactions() As List(Of Transaction)
Return _transactions
End Get
Set(ByVal value As List(Of Transaction))
_transactions = value
End Set
End Property

Public Shared Sub Save(ByVal filename As String, ByVal obj As
Using wrt As New StreamWriter(filename)
Dim xSer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(SqlImporter))
xSer.Serialize(wrt, obj)
End Using
End Sub

Public Shared Function Load(ByVal filename As String) As SqlImporter
Dim importer As SqlImporter

Using rdr As New StreamReader(filename)
Dim xSer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(SqlImporter))
importer = DirectCast(xSer.Deserialize(rdr), SqlImporter)
End Using

Return importer
End Function

End Class

<Serializable()> _
Public Class Transaction
'Properties for Transaction here
End Class

Hope this helps,

Thanks Chris,
That has given me food for thought. I cant thank you guys enough, you learn
something new on every visit here. Keep up the good work