Speedfans problems?

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Hello to computer know-how people,

Thanks for letting me ask questions here!

First of all, my laptop is a Dell brand Inspiron 5100 for Home use. In
recent weeks, whenever I turned on my computer, my fans would start working
immediately. However, nothing would show on my computer screen, everything
blacks out. I could not find anything at all by clicking on my keyboard to
log onto my desktop. And usually two lights right next to my laptop "Power"
button would be on shortly afterwards. One light with a symbol "A" is for
"Capitalize" letters and another with a "downarrow" (I have no clue what that
is for). Anyhow, if these two lights come up, it means I cannot do anything
with my computer except power off. When I power back on shortly afterwards
again, it usually would do the same, and the fans at the bottom of my laptop
would just keep on running, the air out from the air vent would gradually go
from warm to hot. Many times it seems like the fans would run for over 2
hours of time without stopping once. Then sometimes I waited for the 2 hours
to pass by and sometimes I ended up shutting down my computer after some time
and letting it cool down till the next day or hours later. And when I turn
my computer on again the next time, everything would be just fine, my XP
system loads up the log on screen and I can log onto my desktop and use my
Internet without any problems.

One possible cause for this problem is that in the last few months I used my
laptop way over 5 hours each time or day, I think passing the laptop time use
limit. I believe my laptop instruction says that user should shut down the
computer every 4 hours or so to keep it in good shape.

But could you please tell me what is going on with my fans and how do I fix
the problem? I would really appreciate your help!!!

My email: (e-mail address removed).

Best regards and a loyal Microsoft user,

Tom said:
Hello to computer know-how people,

Thanks for letting me ask questions here!

First of all, my laptop is a Dell brand Inspiron 5100 for Home use. In
recent weeks, whenever I turned on my computer, my fans would start working
immediately. However, nothing would show on my computer screen, everything
blacks out. I could not find anything at all by clicking on my keyboard to
log onto my desktop. And usually two lights right next to my laptop "Power"
button would be on shortly afterwards. One light with a symbol "A" is for
"Capitalize" letters and another with a "downarrow" (I have no clue what that
is for). Anyhow, if these two lights come up, it means I cannot do anything
with my computer except power off. When I power back on shortly afterwards
again, it usually would do the same, and the fans at the bottom of my laptop
would just keep on running, the air out from the air vent would gradually go
from warm to hot. Many times it seems like the fans would run for over 2
hours of time without stopping once. Then sometimes I waited for the 2 hours
to pass by and sometimes I ended up shutting down my computer after some time
and letting it cool down till the next day or hours later. And when I turn
my computer on again the next time, everything would be just fine, my XP
system loads up the log on screen and I can log onto my desktop and use my
Internet without any problems.

One possible cause for this problem is that in the last few months I used my
laptop way over 5 hours each time or day, I think passing the laptop time use
limit. I believe my laptop instruction says that user should shut down the
computer every 4 hours or so to keep it in good shape.

But could you please tell me what is going on with my fans and how do I fix
the problem? I would really appreciate your help!!!

It would be unusual for both the caps lock and the scroll
lock indicators to light up during the boot process unless
there is something wrong with the motherboard or possibly
the power supply. Nor does the Dell Inspiron 5100 really
gets that hot although excessive heat from a variety of
reasons, such as clogged ventilation vents, would hasten a
breakdown situation. Time to get the Dell examined by a Dell
service. The solution might be as simple as a good, thorough
cleaning to replacing parts that have become intermittent.
Hello GHalleck,

Thanks for your answer!

I have bought my Dell laptop by now for just 2 and half years and always
kept it at clean places. In addition, I have tried my best to get rid of any
dust bunnies I see outside the vents from time to time. All in all, I hadle
my laptop with care.

My power supply is absolutely fine. So does that mean that every Dell
laptop user would need to replace the motherboard every 2 years or so?

I bought my laptop from Seattle WA; however, I am currently using it in
China. Where and how do I get my Dell examined? Do I need to ship it out of
China to get the service? Only if you know the answer, Thanks!

Another thing I worry about is that my Dell laptop is all in English and
people or computer technicians here do not read English at all. Would they
be able to clean my laptop for me without messing up my stuffs? Would I risk
the chance of losing all of my hard-earned software and hard-worked documents?

Thanks very much!
Tom said:
Hello GHalleck,

Thanks for your answer!

I have bought my Dell laptop by now for just 2 and half years and always
kept it at clean places. In addition, I have tried my best to get rid of any
dust bunnies I see outside the vents from time to time. All in all, I hadle
my laptop with care.

My power supply is absolutely fine. So does that mean that every Dell
laptop user would need to replace the motherboard every 2 years or so?

I bought my laptop from Seattle WA; however, I am currently using it in
China. Where and how do I get my Dell examined? Do I need to ship it out of
China to get the service? Only if you know the answer, Thanks!

Another thing I worry about is that my Dell laptop is all in English and
people or computer technicians here do not read English at all. Would they
be able to clean my laptop for me without messing up my stuffs? Would I risk
the chance of losing all of my hard-earned software and hard-worked documents?

Thanks very much!

Something has to explain the heat buildup. It is not normal,
especially when the laptop itself is not working properly.
The power supply that was mentioned is not the external one
but the Inspiron's internal power supply. There are a number
of internal components that can heat excessively, including a
defective battery charging circuit or a short circuit in a
cable or connector to blown resistors or capacitors, for some
examples. These are rare but, statistically, anyone can have
a lemon.