I've been shopping around (on the web, mostly) for a 2nd hard drive, and
want to get the fastest 160GB I can, along with fluid bearings. My question
is, which spec has a greater effect on overall HD speed: average seek time
or data transfer rate?
Does "8.5ms seek time/100MBps transfer rate" out-perform "9.4ms/133MBps"?
Or would the difference be negligible?
Also, is it worth the $$ buying a SATA drive (plus a controller) vs. staying
with UltraATA?
want to get the fastest 160GB I can, along with fluid bearings. My question
is, which spec has a greater effect on overall HD speed: average seek time
or data transfer rate?
Does "8.5ms seek time/100MBps transfer rate" out-perform "9.4ms/133MBps"?
Or would the difference be negligible?
Also, is it worth the $$ buying a SATA drive (plus a controller) vs. staying
with UltraATA?