It will depend on the speed of the machine, the amount of memory available,
the amount of hard disk space available, the speed of the CD drive, the size
of the presentation, the size of media files, and probably the direction of
the wind. Your description of the presentation and the size do not match.
Sixteen MB is pretty big, even if you aren't using sound or video. I think
you might want to read the following:
Do this before using PowerPoint seriously
Don't do this with PowerPoint. Seriously.
Why are my PowerPoint files so big? What can I do about it?
Cathy said:
The size of the file is 16,476KB. There is no video in the presentation
but it does contain animation on test and images. Since this presentation
would be sent to other users who do not know me personally (using it as part
of my job search effort) , I do not want to tell them to turn off their
virus scan. I really thought that this was going to load much faster.