speech recognition


ted medin

Trying to use speech recognition with some success. However, when I bring up
Firefox it will not take dictation. It gives me a window with the number
choices. Is there a command so it will take dictation? TIA


Remember that all speech recognition does is translate what you say into
keystrokes as if you had typed what you said. If speech recognition does not
completely understand what you said, it may present the window to show you
what it thinks you may have meant and you select by number what you meant.
If what you say is not a speech recognition command to control speech
recognition, speech recognition passes that on in the form of keystrokes to
whatever program you using. If the program recognizes the key strokes, it
will respond. For example, in Firefox, if I say "Press Ctrl T", speech
recognition passes the keystrokes CTRL+T to Firefox and Firefox opens a new
tab. If I'm in Word, and I say "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
period", speech recognition passes "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
dog." to Word and Word puts the sentence, as if I had typed it, into the
document. Notice that speech recognition changed the word "period" to a
".", so Word got "... dog." and not "... dog period". Programs are
completely unaware that you are using speech recognition. They only respond
to the keystrokes passed to them.


Marty Markoe - eMicrophones, Inc.

ted medin said:
Trying to use speech recognition with some success. However, when I bring up
Firefox it will not take dictation. It gives me a window with the number
choices. Is there a command so it will take dictation? TIA

The first thing to try is to enable speech everywhere. As our Vista
computers are at work you may have to dig around for the option but try right
clicking the microphone on the speech bar and then Open Speech Recognition
Control Panel. Dig around and you will find it there.

In addition, you should register for and post on the MSSpeech-forum at:

Besides many skilled WSR users lurking there, you can learn about speech
macros and the WSRToolkit.


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