-----Original Message-----
You may, in fact, be best off with a complete format and reinstall. In the
experience of this forum, a keylogger can be very difficult to remove.
I'd recommend calling Microsoft Product Support services with this issue.
In the United States or Canada, call 1-866-PCSafety.
Elsewhere, call the number you would call for paid support for Microsoft
products, but ask for the free support for virus infection or security
patch-related issues.
I would take great pains to examine closely what your detection tools are
finding to be certain that this isn't a false positive, and also to be
clear, in the end, that the issue is really properly cleaned up.
Read descriptions of this keylogger from multiple sources, and look for the
actual files involved on your system.
and let us know how it comes out, if possible.
If you don't already have a third-party firewall in place which helps
mediate outbound traffic, that's another thing I would do immediately--you
need to make sure that the logs from this thing aren't