If you want to change the computer name and join a specific domain, you
can use a WMI Script or build you a VB/C# .net WMI application (via
System.Management.dll). Do not use registry or third party application,
this is not professionnal and less efficient. I think that when you
change a settings in windows via gui, it uses the wmi!
Rename the computer :
Changing computer domain :
List of tasks you can do with the WMI :
Search the web, there are so many examples in vb and C# using wmi...
When your wmi application is build, you can create a runOnce item that
execute it.
You can store in a txt or ini files the computer name and domain you
want and make your application read it. Include the wmi application and
wmi extra components in your image (wmi is the heart of windows, the
core component of wmi are almost always include in the xpe image we
Take note that renaming the computer name in windows, in all the case
you need to reboot the computer for the change to completely take
effects. You can first download WMI Explorer and WMI utilities to
explore to content of the wmi.
Jonathan proulx