Hi there, I am currently filling in a word template from access when I click
a button,
when saving (doc.save) it saves to the default directory, however is there a
way of using one of the fields in my form as the save folder ( already
On Error Resume Next
but i want it to choose strpath then \ Forms!Mjobs!("JobNo") \
any ideas?
also if there was a way of specifying the actual save filename as well
that'd be handy...
Thanks in advance...
full code so far with explanation....
Option Compare Database
Public Function fProcedure()
'Dimension variables to hold pointers to the Word Application and
' Word Document we will be working with.
'Early Binding Dimensioning
' To use these declarations, reference the Word Object Library
Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim doc As Word.Document
'Late Binding Dimensioning
' To use these declarations, un-reference the Word Object Library
'Dim objWord As Object
'Dim doc As Object
'Flag to indicate We Opened Word
Dim bolOpenedWord As Boolean
'Get pointer to Word Object
' Handle Error In-Line
On Error Resume Next
Set objWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
'If we got an error, that means there was no Word Instance
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
'Set Flag to let us know we opened Word
bolOpenedWord = True
End If
'Make Word Instance visible
objWord.Visible = True
'Reset Error Handler
On Error GoTo 0
'Create New Blank Document from template
'Get Path of Current DB
strPath = CurrentDb().Name
'Strip FileName to Get Path to Doc
lngInStr = InStr(lngInStr + 1, strPath, "\")
Loop While (InStr(lngInStr + 1, strPath, "\") <> 0)
'Get path up to the last ‘\’
strPath = Left(strPath, lngInStr)
'Append document name onto the end of the stripped path
strPath = strPath & "quotetemplate.dot"
Set doc = objWord.Documents.Add(strPath)
ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdNormalView
'adding Text
objWord.Selection.TypeText Forms!Mjobs!("JobNo")
objWord.Selection.TypeText Forms!Mjobs!("FirstName")
objWord.Selection.TypeText Forms!Mjobs!("LastName")
objWord.Selection.TypeText Forms!Mjobs!("CompanyName")
objWord.Selection.TypeText Forms!Mjobs!("Days")
objWord.Selection.TypeText CurrentUser()
'This will shift the focus to Word
'Save New Document
On Error Resume Next
'If the cancel button in the SaveAs dialog was presses
' You will receinve and error
' .Number - 4198
' .Description - Command Failed
On Error GoTo 0
'Close and release pointers
doc.Close False
Set doc = Nothing
'Did we create the Word instance we are using
' or did we reuse an open instance?
If bolOpenedWord = True Then
'We created an instance, so now we need to close it.
End If
Set objWord = Nothing
End Function
a button,
when saving (doc.save) it saves to the default directory, however is there a
way of using one of the fields in my form as the save folder ( already
On Error Resume Next
but i want it to choose strpath then \ Forms!Mjobs!("JobNo") \
any ideas?
also if there was a way of specifying the actual save filename as well
that'd be handy...
Thanks in advance...
full code so far with explanation....
Option Compare Database
Public Function fProcedure()
'Dimension variables to hold pointers to the Word Application and
' Word Document we will be working with.
'Early Binding Dimensioning
' To use these declarations, reference the Word Object Library
Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim doc As Word.Document
'Late Binding Dimensioning
' To use these declarations, un-reference the Word Object Library
'Dim objWord As Object
'Dim doc As Object
'Flag to indicate We Opened Word
Dim bolOpenedWord As Boolean
'Get pointer to Word Object
' Handle Error In-Line
On Error Resume Next
Set objWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
'If we got an error, that means there was no Word Instance
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
'Set Flag to let us know we opened Word
bolOpenedWord = True
End If
'Make Word Instance visible
objWord.Visible = True
'Reset Error Handler
On Error GoTo 0
'Create New Blank Document from template
'Get Path of Current DB
strPath = CurrentDb().Name
'Strip FileName to Get Path to Doc
lngInStr = InStr(lngInStr + 1, strPath, "\")
Loop While (InStr(lngInStr + 1, strPath, "\") <> 0)
'Get path up to the last ‘\’
strPath = Left(strPath, lngInStr)
'Append document name onto the end of the stripped path
strPath = strPath & "quotetemplate.dot"
Set doc = objWord.Documents.Add(strPath)
ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdNormalView
'adding Text
objWord.Selection.TypeText Forms!Mjobs!("JobNo")
objWord.Selection.TypeText Forms!Mjobs!("FirstName")
objWord.Selection.TypeText Forms!Mjobs!("LastName")
objWord.Selection.TypeText Forms!Mjobs!("CompanyName")
objWord.Selection.TypeText Forms!Mjobs!("Days")
objWord.Selection.TypeText CurrentUser()
'This will shift the focus to Word
'Save New Document
On Error Resume Next
'If the cancel button in the SaveAs dialog was presses
' You will receinve and error
' .Number - 4198
' .Description - Command Failed
On Error GoTo 0
'Close and release pointers
doc.Close False
Set doc = Nothing
'Did we create the Word instance we are using
' or did we reuse an open instance?
If bolOpenedWord = True Then
'We created an instance, so now we need to close it.
End If
Set objWord = Nothing
End Function