Specified field could refer to more than one table error message

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nik
  • Start date Start date


This is the error message I am recieving: "The Specified field
'[Posters-2000].State' could refer to more than one table listed in the

FROM clause of your SQL statement."

I have looked in the sql code and could not find anything wrong, below
is the code:

SELECT [Posters-2000].[Document Number], [Posters-2000].[Needs Update],

[Posters-2000].[Last Update], [Posters-2000].[New Update Date], [Orders

Table].[Poster(s) Ordered], [Orders Table].[Order Type], [Orders
Table].[State Ordered], [Locations Table].Company, [Orders
Table].[Order Date], [Posters-2000].Title, [Locations Table].City,
[Locations Table].State, [Orders Table].[Quantity Ordered], [Locations
Table].Service, [Locations Table].[Location ID], [Locations
Table].Division, [Locations Table].Location, [Locations Table].[Contact

First Name], [Locations Table].[Contact Last Name],
FROM [Posters-2000] INNER JOIN ([qry Poster Offerings] INNER JOIN
([Orders Table] INNER JOIN [Locations Table] ON [Orders
Table].[Location ID] = [Locations Table].[Location ID]) ON [qry Poster
Offerings].[Poster Set] = [Orders Table].[Poster(s) Ordered]) ON
[Posters-2000].State = [Orders Table].[State Ordered]
WHERE ((([Posters-2000].[Needs Update])=Yes) AND (([Orders
Table].[Order Type])="New") AND (([Locations Table].Service) Is Not

It appears that everything has a table associated to it, if needed.
Maybe I just have been staring at it for way to long to notice
By any chance is [Posters-2000] a table in [qry Post Offerings]? If so does
[qry Post Offerings] refer to State in more than one table?