Specified cast is not valid exception when moved from v1.0 to v1.1

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I have a c# program in which I used cast. That worked perfectly on .Net
platform 1.0. When I moved to .Net 2003, I am getting the execption
"Specified cast is not valid". I have not made any changes to the code. Is
there any difference in project settings or something else between v1.0 and

Thanks in advance.
Raj said:
I have a c# program in which I used cast. That worked perfectly on .Net
platform 1.0. When I moved to .Net 2003, I am getting the execption
"Specified cast is not valid". I have not made any changes to the code. Is
there any difference in project settings or something else between v1.0 and

Could you post a short but complete program which demonstrates the

See http://www.pobox.com/~skeet/csharp/complete.html for details of
what I mean by that.

Thanks for your reply. Here is a code snippet. It is not complete but it is

IJDPosition, iLogicalDistPort are COM interfaces defined in VC++ idl files.
DPosoition is COM class ( an ATL object ).

AutoMath.IJDPosition pos = null;
pos = new AutoMath.DPositionClass();

iLogicalDistPort.SetCenterLocation((NozzleEntities.IJDPosition)pos); //This
throws Specified cast in not valid exception.

Why cast is needed :
The iLogicalDistPort is in defined in the idl file of
NozzleEntities VC++ project. Following is the idl file:

import "AutoMath.idl";

interface IJLogicalDistPort : IDispatch
[id(2), helpstring("method GetCenterLocation")] HRESULT
GetCenterLocation([out,retval] IJDPosition ** ppPosition);
[id(4), helpstring("method SetCenterLocation")] HRESULT
SetCenterLocation([in] IJDPosition * pPostion);

library NozzleEntities
coclass DistribPorts
[default] interface IDispatch;
interface IJLogicalDistPort;

Since the object is in the type library of NozzleEntities, the method is
expecting NozzleEntities.IJDPosition as argument.

I can only create AutoMath.DPositionClass(), since that is where my
DPosition class is implemented.

I hope the scenario is clear. If not I can provide more details. Basically
I am creating an unmanaged object and calling a method on it in managed code.

My main question is, this used to work in v1.0. I haven't make any changes
except moving to v1.1. Now I get the exception. Is there any known problem
or known solution for this problem.

Raj said:
Thanks for your reply. Here is a code snippet. It is not complete but it is

Unfortunately, that still doesn't really help me, as I still can't
reproduce the problem.

Given that it's COM stuff though, I suggest you ask in the interop
group - you're more likely to get an answer there. (I'm not
particularly hot on interop, I'm afraid.)