Hi all,
I found very useful this group, thanks for that!
I'm used to work with excel on a daily basis, however now I have to create a form to be sent to other user, who will be feeding the database. The form is almost done but after that I really don't know how to do this: 1. When the user opens the file, s/he can only see the form ready to be filled and then; 2. the user cannot edit the form (bottoms, answer options, layouts, etc) only feeding it.
I really appreciate any help you can provide and thanks in advance

Just be aware that Microsoft stopped supporting this Usenet newsgroup several
years ago. They can't kill it - newsgroups are like zombies! - but very few of
us still frequent it. See my .sig for more current peer support venues.
That said, you need to be sure your database is backed up, and convert it to a
..mde (for A2000 and earlier) or .accde for later versions. The user will not
be able to make design changes at all in this format (you should keep a copy
of the .mdb or .accdb yourself so you can create improved versions). You can
use the "Startup" options to make this form the default startup form - see the
Help for "Startup", it's a bit different for different versions. And if you
haven't done so already you should "Split" the database into a backend
(tables) and frontend (forms, queries, reports and code); the backend is
shared by all users (you and this person perhaps), and each of you gets a copy
of the frontend. See
http://www.granite.ab.ca/access/splitapp.htm for a
discussion, and/or some of these tutorials:
Utter Access discussion forum and resources:
Jeff Conrad's resources page:
The Access Web resources page:
Roger Carlson's tutorials, samples and tips:
A free tutorial written by Crystal:
A video how-to series by Crystal:
MVP Allen Browne's tutorials:
John W. Vinson [MVP]
Microsoft's replacements for these newsgroups:
and see also