I have vb code that is doing a bunch of sorting crap, sorting data
pulled from a...you guessed it...database! Anyhoo, it sorts the order
data by the city that the orders ship out of, so this is the
information (happens to be the D column) that I use to do muh thing.
Unfortunaely, it sorts alphabetically, and it wouldn't be a problem,
except one stupid city is in the wrong county (all the others just
magically worked alphabetically). So, As the macro rips through the
sheet, it seperates by city and autosums and bolds some info, but I am
trying to ge it to cut this special city (we shall name it
"BOHICA-Town") and paste it at the end of the data, then go back to
where it was and continue. Unfortunately, since the number of orders
change every time you pull data, I need to try and figure out how to
name a variable range of rows to cut and paste. But the Range feature
only recognizes the A1 format...and I dun have that, because the
number are variable. Anyone have an idea of how I migt be able to do
pulled from a...you guessed it...database! Anyhoo, it sorts the order
data by the city that the orders ship out of, so this is the
information (happens to be the D column) that I use to do muh thing.
Unfortunaely, it sorts alphabetically, and it wouldn't be a problem,
except one stupid city is in the wrong county (all the others just
magically worked alphabetically). So, As the macro rips through the
sheet, it seperates by city and autosums and bolds some info, but I am
trying to ge it to cut this special city (we shall name it
"BOHICA-Town") and paste it at the end of the data, then go back to
where it was and continue. Unfortunately, since the number of orders
change every time you pull data, I need to try and figure out how to
name a variable range of rows to cut and paste. But the Range feature
only recognizes the A1 format...and I dun have that, because the
number are variable. Anyone have an idea of how I migt be able to do