Special problem deleting a folder

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mel
  • Start date Start date


(This has to do with PowerPoint VBA, but I'm asking here because
theres a lot more VBA users here.)

Is there a way to run a batch-like command line to delete a folder
from within routine without calling to an external BAT or CMD file?
I'm trying to simply delete some folders within which is an addin that
my code already unloaded
and removed and unregistered, and now I want its folders deleted
(within the same PPT session that started the macro). But PPT holds on
to the addin file thinking it's still being used (which it's not) and
won't let RmDir or Kill code remove it. (Known problem with PPT.) BUT
I can make the code run an external CMD file consisting of "RMDIR C:
\foldername /s /q" and it works fine. The problem is, I'd rather not
use an external file. Is there another way to call it from within the
routine but use some sort of Shell command or something (without using
an external file)?

I'm not much of a PPT user, but you could use your code to build the .bat file
(in the %temp% folder???), run that command, and delete the .bat file you

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim myBatFile As String
Dim myFileNum As Long

Dim myCommand As String

myBatFile = "C:\deletemelater.bat"
myFileNum = FreeFile

Close myFileNum
Open myBatFile For Output As myFileNum
Print #myFileNum, "RMDIR C: \foldername /s /q"
Close myFileNum

myCommand = Chr(34) & myBatFile & Chr(34)

Shell Environ("comspec") & " /k " & myCommand, vbMaximizedFocus

Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 10) 'let it finish

Kill myBatFile

End Sub

Be careful when you're testing! You don't want to delete the wrong folder!!!

ps. You may want to ask in a forum dedicated to VB. Maybe there's an API call
(or script) you can use.

Make sure you explain that you're using PPT and VBA. It may change the
Right. It is closed. It's a .PPA addin that code unloads and removes
from PowerPoint, just as code can do with an .XLA in Excel. Difference
is that in Excel you can then delete the XLA, whereas PowerPoint holds
on to it during the running of that macro. In other words, in Excel
VBA, you can unload an addin AND delete the addin file all in one
routine, but not so in PowerPoint. (It's a broken design to a lot of
us.) So, I have to find a way to delete it outside of normal kill
calls and find aa CMD or BAT call or an API call. But I'm looking for
ideas on that.
