Special line graph effect

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pascal
  • Start date Start date



I'm trying to create a line chart that, beyond a certain point, gives an
increasingly widened line to indicate uncertainty when extrapolating into
the future. I've created a temporary link to a graph from a Bank of England
inflation report which has the effect:


Not sure if this is possible in Excel but would appreciate any help


You can achieve this effect by combining a line and area chart.
set your first area series = the lower bound of the projected range
and your second area series to be the difference between the uppe
bound and lower bound (this will be zero for your historical data), an
chart these 2 as an area chart. If you want a clear base area, ser th
area of the first series to 'none'.

The attached shows an example

Attachment filename: range_chart.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=50120
Hi Pascal
How did you create 1 straight line across the chart
I've been struggling with this
I have 1 year data (stock) and wanted to create 1 straight line for average stock
My current solution is to add the average stock on month's column


I didn't create the chart (www.student.city.ac.uk/~ae316/linechart.jpg) so
don't really know and I'm not great at charting anyway, but...

with my line graph its a simple case of creating a dummy series to create a
line. But becuase of the type of chart your using I don't think its that
simple. Perhaps its a case of creating a custom chart(?). I've found this
website really useful http://www.contextures.com/JPChartIndex.htm the author
is someone thats always on this newsgroup and I think his page on combo
charts might help.

Sorry I couldn't be anymore useful.

Check the Excel/Charts/Straight lines page of my web site for some


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
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