Special Folders

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Bowman
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John Bowman


I'm using the Environment.GetFolderPath() method to retrieve various special
folders needed by an app. I'm running on WinXp and under my C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users path I see a "Shared Documents" folder. When I checked
Win2K this seems to be known as "Documents". Unforuntately, I also noticed
that the Environment.SpecialFolder enum does not include this folder. Why?
What's the "correct" method for retrieving this "Shared Documents" folder?
Should I just get CommonAppData and append "Shared Documents" or "Documents"
depending on OS or is there a better more correct mechanism?

I asked the same question a few days ago. See the thread named "Shared
Documents folder" dated 1/19/2005.
Thanks for the help. I'd found that function after posting my question, but
was hoping there was a more direct .NET mechanism w/o resorting to interop.
