In my unmamaged code varaibles declaration can use special
characters like
- Dash
_ Underscore (C# allows except this)
$ Dollar sign
# Number sign
% Percent sign
but C# will not allow how can i replace this characters
with other ones like cant dlete this charates from those
variables bcoz
if a variable by name "san#thu " exists and if i delete
this # from this variable then there can be other variable
by name "santhu " so both conflicts so how can i replace
these variable with the other ones?
Thank you
characters like
- Dash
_ Underscore (C# allows except this)
$ Dollar sign
# Number sign
% Percent sign
but C# will not allow how can i replace this characters
with other ones like cant dlete this charates from those
variables bcoz
if a variable by name "san#thu " exists and if i delete
this # from this variable then there can be other variable
by name "santhu " so both conflicts so how can i replace
these variable with the other ones?
Thank you