I am having a problem after loading an Access 2002 DB with
data from an XML file. Once loaded, one of the text fields
that contains descriptive data (up to 3000 characters)
does not represent the new line characters. Therefore all
the text is bunched together with the special character
square in the place where the new lines should be.
I am loading the db via a Java program and have
appended "\r\n", newline(), and other variations but to no
avail. The XML file looks fine in any of the editors that
I view it in. I cannot figure out why Access does not
recognize the sequence from the file. I have heard that
it must be chr$(13) and chr$(10) for Access relating to
the new line, but that is what is in the XML file.
Does anyone know a way to determine what the special
control character are in Access that are represented by
the small square special symbols? Also, once identified,
is there a way to use the replace command with special
characters for all the records? I tried copying the
special character from the field with the intention of
putting it in the replace dialog but it won't let me past
I'm not sure what else to try and I have loaded a couple
of thousand records, so it can not be fixed manually.
Does Access handle a new line differently than most other
programs? If it must be a chr$(13) and a chr$(10) isn't
this just a standard CR/LF? Is Access looking for
specific ascii values besides those that represent the
ascii cr/lf (Dec 10 and 13)? I'd really like to solve the
problem via the loader, but I cannot figure out the ascii
sequence that translates into Access correctly.
data from an XML file. Once loaded, one of the text fields
that contains descriptive data (up to 3000 characters)
does not represent the new line characters. Therefore all
the text is bunched together with the special character
square in the place where the new lines should be.
I am loading the db via a Java program and have
appended "\r\n", newline(), and other variations but to no
avail. The XML file looks fine in any of the editors that
I view it in. I cannot figure out why Access does not
recognize the sequence from the file. I have heard that
it must be chr$(13) and chr$(10) for Access relating to
the new line, but that is what is in the XML file.
Does anyone know a way to determine what the special
control character are in Access that are represented by
the small square special symbols? Also, once identified,
is there a way to use the replace command with special
characters for all the records? I tried copying the
special character from the field with the intention of
putting it in the replace dialog but it won't let me past
I'm not sure what else to try and I have loaded a couple
of thousand records, so it can not be fixed manually.
Does Access handle a new line differently than most other
programs? If it must be a chr$(13) and a chr$(10) isn't
this just a standard CR/LF? Is Access looking for
specific ascii values besides those that represent the
ascii cr/lf (Dec 10 and 13)? I'd really like to solve the
problem via the loader, but I cannot figure out the ascii
sequence that translates into Access correctly.