If the volumn variance is only slight, then you can use the Normalizer in
the Options to make sure that ALL songs in your playlist play at the same
Volumn. If the variance is Major, then chances are when the songs were
recorded, they were recorded at different levels. If you have downloaded
these songs from the net, then you are at the Mercy of many different people
who may have recorded the music to the computer and what their interruptation
of proper volumn level is. If you have done your own recording from sources
such as Phono and tapes and CDs etc, then you need to be sure that you have
Normalizer turned on when recording. OTherwise, depending on what softwarte
you use to record the music to your computer, I use Roxio Cretive Cd Writer 5
and 7.5 and there is a utility called Sound Recorder and I use that to
increase the volumn levels to be the same and to edit the blank intros and