speakers dont work

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please help i just recieved a new dell and i am unsure of how to make the speakers work i have plugged them in but nothing is working!
try playin a cd then switch on your speakers then try movein the plug to new sockets till you get sound thats wot i did when i got my new dell and i'd put the plug in the wrong socket at first but now works.
Gabrielle7946 said in
please help i just recieved a new dell and i am unsure of how to make
the speakers work i have plugged them in but nothing is working!

Try different jacks. Maybe you plugged the speakers into the wrong

If the speakers are powered, are they actually powered up? If they have
a separate volume control, is it turned all the way down (to off) or is
it somewhere in its middle adjustment?

Have you tried plugging the speakers into a headphone jack of a portable
CD player, radio, or your home stereo's headphone jack to see if they
work? Have you tried plugging in a pair of headphones into the jack
instead of the speakers to see if you hear noise (and assuming you've
already tested the headphones on a stereo or CD player to ensure the
headphones work, too)?
-----Original Message-----
please help i just recieved a new dell and i am unsure
of how to make the speakers work i have plugged them in
but nothing is working!
Don't waste too much time. I bought my Dell three years
ago and the speakers that came with it were defective.
Call the company and ask for new speakers!