Speakers Died!

Jan 14, 2006
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Finally after 10yrs my £10 Teac PC speakers have died.
So just bought Creative A60 Speakers from Maplins.
Very basic but the sound seems to be of good quality.

Lets see what Iron Maiden - Somewhere back in time sounds like!!:lol:
One pound per year isn't bad going ;).

I've got some Creative T10 speakers and they do the job for me. If I'm gaming then I tend to use a headset, but 90% of the time my speakers are off anyway.
By co-incidence, my old JBL speakers suddenly developed a nasty crackle in one speaker, so I had to retire them.

Fortunately I had a spare set of Creative T10s (snap Ian! lol) which I was able to swap over. They sound pretty good for music, movies, etc., despite only being stereo. For gaming, I prefer to use my headset too.

Hope you're enjoying your new speakers Feckit. :D