Merry Christmas.
First a thank you for all the help given here over the last year. I
certainly appreciate it.
Seciondly, I am curious to know if anyone here has tried Spambayes to
control spam in their inbox. I downloaded and installed it a week
ago. I have been amazed at it's accruacy and ease of use. It hit the
ground running and has been learning ever since. I have had very few
false positives in the first week. If this keeps up I may be able to
get through my inbox every day again.
I've tried it (not the outlook plugin). I found it pretty buggy, the
database gets corrupted very easily. After 3 or 4 times of facing the
same problem, I abandoned it.
It's probably worth (as is k9, popfile etc) using if you don't experience
the problem I did though.
Here is the link to the Windows platform download and then a link to
the donation page. Spambayes is freeware with the opportunity to
Aaron (my email is not munged!)