Eunometic said:
On Feb 15, 7:18 pm, (e-mail address removed) wrote:
Can we develop this thread further?
The ultimate email blight is surely spam.
Possibly the worst are the phishing emails where the perpetrators try and
elicit bank details.
To my utter astonishment, people are falling for this.
Even a close friend recently responded, gave his bank details, and was
fleeced of over £4,000.
He can't believe he did it - his wife was watching him and pleading with him
not to reply, and he even noticed himself that there were spelling errors in
an otherwise believable email!
I spend much of my time getting these accounts terminated.
It is simply a matter of View>Options>Select All>Copy>Close>Reply> Paste,
then complete the reply by adding "abuse@.." to the CC.
I do this without even reading anything more than the subject of the email.
Now, if I can do this in effectively "auto pilot" brain mode, surely it is
not beyond the capabilities of Microsoft programmers to include code in
Outlook that automatically flags emails that have elements such as "Forged
Emails", "Advance FEE" etc. in the header, or those that have no adressee.
Such emails could then be directed into a built in spam folder for further
I'm sure this would stop 90% of this type of scam.