spam, some one has to run out of money

Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
Hi all just googling around on topics about spam lead me here.....
Im just asking for your input regarding this matter.....

i keep getting these anoyin gpop ups "Do I want a penis enlargement", "do i need viagra", do i need or want this or that, i cant write a letter anymore wothout having to pause and shut windows because it takes the focus away from my word doc.
Now in one of the pop ups i noticed this address
with the 1859 as an id i presume... if it is an id everytime some one views that page with that id some one is getting pay and some one is payin gout money....
So i figured if i make a proggy, that all it does is click this web address with the 1859 id, lets say 5 times per second that works out to be around 400,000+ clicks every 24 hours.

My questiion is if i have that proggy running on my system for say 3 months + and if i distribute this proggy to my friends which they will take part in.

Will it waste their money?
Will they get p****d off at me and send the law to my house for what ever reason, i dont think what im doing is againts the law.
But most important WILL I FUSTRATE THEM AS THEY FUSTRATE ME? soory for the caps its just sooo anoying...

Please any feed back is appreciated.

Why don't you just download some free anti-spy and adware programs and get rid of the nasties on your PC that are annoying you?


Microsoft Antispyware
Spybot Search&Destroy

I use them all - you can never have too much protection!;)
Yes, you can be 'done' for spamming ... :)

72% of all spyware is not detected by the major Anti-virus programs. Only a purposely built spyware removal tool such as *insert rubbish name here* can!
This is true, to a point, ... one reason we here at PCR recommend you use a well known brand of "recommend Killers" like (see below) ... and I would NOT trust anything from a 'pop-up', not that I get any popups, as some of these so-called antispyware programs actually install more spyware.

Recommend you use at least two or more of the these ...
MS Anti-Spyware

Also consider running occasionaly ...
Trojan Hunter

and no system should be without SpywareBlaster

I have been trying to educate as many people as I can on "viruses" ... that word is being misused to mean ANY nastie ... and I'm sorry to say you NEED more than just an Anti-Virus program to help combat these "Nasties" ...

Good luck with cleaning your system ... you ARE infected.

Oh, and you are using a decent AV program?
thank you for all your replys i tried spysweeper and so far my pc has been on for about 4 hours and not one single pop up :) luv it will buy it

now Anti virus i have norton but a questionable copy, but been seriously thinking of buying a good copy as i found there not that expensivive. what would you recommend?
Go buy Zonealarm security suite £49.99 pcworld....Superb piece of kit had mine for over year and a half now.....Does the lot, Antivirus, Firewall, Antispyware, popup blocker, Identity theft Alert, Messenger security, Email protection, Spam blocker, and even Parental control to stop the lids going where they shouldn't...

And it never interferes with any of my programs like nortons and the like can do....and uses the excellent Kaspersky Antivirus Database.....need i say more....
I never got on with Zone Alarm...

Windows XP SP2 standard firewall and AVG or Norton for me... with Adaware run occasionly.
I too have never got along with ZA, but I advocate its use, especially if you do not use any other Firewall.

Interestingly, Microsoft are BETA testing an "All-in-one" suite which looks very promising, although will probably not be ready for a few more months.

We are pleased to see you have eliminated your "problem" but I do stress that you use at least 2 Anti-Spyware cleaners. SpySweeper is pretty dam good, but, it is a little dumb, keeps asking you if you really need to keep that new 'favorite' ... I use SpySweeper, but do not have it 'running' all the time, instead I use MS's own Anti-Spyware running all the time and use SpySweeper when needed. I also use Ad-Aware, well I paid for it first, it is funny how the other two still miss the odd "cookie" here 'n there.

Just to recap what you NEED ...

1. a Firewall ... even MS's own is better than non
2. an Anti-Virus program ... plenty of good free ones but I highly recommend KAV which has a UK tech # you can call ;)
3. at least 2 Anti-Spyware programs
4. do NOT USE, if you can help it, any P2P file sharing programs

I'm sure I missed a couple, but in essence there you have it.

Oh, yes ... download, install & update SPYWAREBLASTER :thumb:
I never got on with Zone Alarm

Your probably talking about the free version thats bandied about everywhere...The paid for Security Suite is a completely different animal to the freebie.....

I was sceptical at first but when i tried the whole suite it was completely different to the freebie firewall that is everywhere.....

Can I just endorse Mucks suggestions....he has got me out of some sticky situations in the last 12 months and they were all of my own making - i.e. being insufficiently au fait about the nasties out there...I use MS Anti Spy, Spyware Blaster, Adaware and Spysweeper on top of Norton.

Now the proud owner of a PC and a lappy which are (touch wood) running very clean these days please do take the advice on offer and read the excellent article Mucks has written on the subject of viruses and other nasties and how to stay protected.

Hope that helps!

Gabs x