Hi Ian,
Yes, your idea would be a nice thing, but as far as I know it can't be done
globally like that.
But you can get pretty close to that with this approach, you need two Rules:
First Rule is called PersonalEmail:
Apply this rule after the message arrives
from MyFriend1 (E-mail) or MyFriend2 (E-mail)
move it to the PersonalEmail folder
(above, put in as many personal email address as you have. If you have a
lot of them, then this "First Rule" approach might not be worth the trouble,
so just skip it)
Second Rule is called CompanyEmail:
Apply this rule after the message arrives
with @ in the sender's address
move it to the NotCompanyEmail folder
except with @ibm.com in the sender's address
(above, the guy in this example works for IBM - (hey, I used to), so
substitute in your company's standard email domain name. Anything that ends
up in NotCompanyEmail can easily and quickly be audited by you, it's amazing
how quickly you can delete spam when most of the real email is already
filtered out)