: On Sun, 07 Dec 2003 12:27:38 GMT, "David H. Lipman"
: >Why are you asking this in an anti virus News Group ?
: >
: >Spam is not virus related. Please post your query in a spam related News
: >
: >Dave
: >
: >
: >
: >| Is there really any point in bouncing spam? I have recently started
: >| Mailwasher and wondering if "spam bounce" achieves anything other than
: >| increasing traffic congestion. Any opinions please?
: >|
: >| Thanks
: >|
: >|
: >
: If you are that keen on netiquette, why are you top posting

: Seriously tho, I see a lot of firewall or spam related Qs in here.
: But to answer the Q, no, there is no point in bouncing - all it does
: is tell the spammer you have a valid address that they reached. They
: are not fooled by mailwasher, and even if they were,do you think that
: they pay much attention to cleaning up their address lists ?
There is an even better reason not to bounce. Spammers often use
a-mailadresses or domains of innocent people or companies.
If you bounce spam, some person gets flooded with it.
See also
Every once in a while a private person or small bizznisman complains how he
or she gets flooded with bounces, hatemail, mailbombs etc etc because some
spammers used their domain or adress.