-----Original Message-----
Sounds more like you installed Norton Spam Alert which inserts a "Spam
Alert:" tag in the Subject header. Norton Spam Alert also comes
packaged in Norton Internet Security 2003+. However, even after
installing Spam Alert, I believe you are required to define a rule in
Outlook to decide what to do with this marked e-mail. That is, Spam
Alert marks it but does nothing else with it, so you have to define a
rule to move it into a holding folder (Junk, Spam, whatever) or to
[permanently] delete it (providing you don't care about deleting false
positives, e-mails that get marked as spam but which are not spam).
SpamPal works the same way, running as a proxy through which your e-mail
passes to check it for spam. Spam gets marked by the addition of a
"X-SpamPal: SPAM" header and optionally you can have it add a tag to the
Subject header ("**SPAM***" is the default tag string). But nothing
happens to the suspect e-mail unless you define a rule in your e-mail
client to check for that header and/or tag string in the Subject.___
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_________________________________________________________ ___
Dave said:
New to Outlook. Many of my routine, known and safe
incoming emails now show "Spam Alert" in subject line - -
a label apparently inserted by Outlook. How to I
configure Outlook not to so label acceptable emails?