Stephen, I would check a few things,
1. Make sure you have installed the latest service packs
for the version of Access you are using.
2. Run the tools > Database Utilities > compact and
repair database.
3. Make changes to this label so it is working right and
save each time you make a change.
It sounds like you may have some defective file.
Hopefully this will help.
-----Original Message-----
Thanks, Fons. The label size was okay. I was able to
fiddle with the spacing between the top of the label and
the text line and that did it. However, yesterday I
printed four pages of labels and when I stopped to edit
some addresses in the source table and came back, the
spacing was all off again. I tried to run the label wizard
again but it only allows me a label with two lines... I
have spent hours on this....frustrating.