Terry Pinnell
I'm using the Tags box under the HTML Source tab in Page Options to
set up the HTML layout. While I can place extra blank line sbefore or
after tags like 'p' or 'br', I can't seem to do the same for a link.
Presumably I use the 'link; entry for this, but I've also tried
'address' as well. With 2 or 3 lines specified Before Start, there's
no change. Here's a typical fragment from that view, taken from
</a>Theme of 2002 Symposium on Teaching Practice in Language Teacher
<a href="http://www.learningalive.co.uk/"><br>
Learning Alive<br>
</a>Practical teaching resources<br>
<a href="http://www.management-mentors.com/contact.htm"><br>
Management Mentors in the UK<br>
</a>Major contributors to The Institute of Management’s Skills and
set up the HTML layout. While I can place extra blank line sbefore or
after tags like 'p' or 'br', I can't seem to do the same for a link.
Presumably I use the 'link; entry for this, but I've also tried
'address' as well. With 2 or 3 lines specified Before Start, there's
no change. Here's a typical fragment from that view, taken from
</a>Theme of 2002 Symposium on Teaching Practice in Language Teacher
<a href="http://www.learningalive.co.uk/"><br>
Learning Alive<br>
</a>Practical teaching resources<br>
<a href="http://www.management-mentors.com/contact.htm"><br>
Management Mentors in the UK<br>
</a>Major contributors to The Institute of Management’s Skills and