space for WinXP Pro

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob Lockie
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Bob Lockie

How much space does WinXP Pro require?
I have 3G for drive C but I only have 11M free and it keeps warning me
about low disk space. :-(
I've always installed whatever I can on another drive.
I installed SP2 and that really ate mt disk space even though I ended up
downloading it to another drive.
I've also set my tmp/temp directory to another disk.
A 3gb hard drive is out of the question for a working installation of XP..
get a larger drive and start over.. the minimum fitted to computers these
days is 40gb..
4 - 5 gb is the minimum for Windows XP including updates.
Larger if you also install programs and save data to the drive.
Bob said:
How much space does WinXP Pro require?
I have 3G for drive C but I only have 11M free and it keeps warning me
about low disk space. :-(
I've always installed whatever I can on another drive.
I installed SP2 and that really ate mt disk space even though I ended up
downloading it to another drive.
I've also set my tmp/temp directory to another disk.
I would recommend moving your page file to another drive as well. This
may save you enough space to function temporarily but I highly agree
with 4 to 5 min. You can make this work short term.
Red said:
I would recommend moving your page file to another drive as well. This
may save you enough space to function temporarily but I highly agree
with 4 to 5 min. You can make this work short term.

In addition to moving the swap file, here are some other things to try.
Reduce Trashcan size. Right click trashcan & choose properties.
Reduce IE cache size. Internet Options> General tab>
Temporary Internet files> Settings...
Delete orphaned tempoary files. (Fred Langa's Clean-up batch files.)

I also agree a larger hard drive is in order.
A 3gb hard drive is out of the question for a working installation of XP..
get a larger drive and start over.. the minimum fitted to computers these
days is 40gb..

It was a partition but I reformatted and made 7G for it.
I don't think WinXP Pro is too happy with my 512M of ram though. :-(
Oh well, I can't increase that.
In addition to moving the swap file, here are some other things to try.
Reduce Trashcan size. Right click trashcan & choose properties.
Reduce IE cache size. Internet Options> General tab>
Temporary Internet files> Settings...
Delete orphaned tempoary files. (Fred Langa's Clean-up batch files.)

I also agree a larger hard drive is in order.
Where are all the downloaded updates kept, I don't need the files after
I install them, right?

I get the impression that you are struggling for resources.. 512mb RAM is
good for XP, but even that will mot make up for a small slow drive, low end
processor, and underspecified video card..

Having said that, you appear to be soldiering on, and have installed SP2..
all power to you..

Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user
Moving IE cache to another drive is a good idea. You could also reassign
the %TEMP% and %TMP% USER and SYSTEM variables to a folder on another drive.
Hi Bob,
Another thing you can do, if you haven't already, is move the location of
IE's Temp Internet Files folder to another drive. If you have Norton AV
installed, do a search in your All users and your main profile directory for
log files Norton has generated. I've seen some very large files that eat up
precious space on small hard drives.
Jon : )
FYI - I have a basic install of WinXP SP2 (slipstreamed) on my other drive
(for gaming only) - no office, nothing fancy installed, and the "windows"
folder alone takes up 2.5GB.