Space between the lines



Everytime I hit enter to move down a line there's a space between the text in
those lines. Is there anyway to remove this space? My line space setting is
set to single space yet there's still a gap there. The return is just fine I
type to the end of the page and let the text wrap around. I'm using Frontpage
2k3 on a Windows XP pro computer. Thanks

Thomas A. Rowe

Use SHIFT+Enter

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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Be aware that shift-enter inserts a hard line break in your text. This may
not be what you want, since the line will now break at that point no matter
how the text flows on the screen (consider several long sentences that
adjust to the page's width in the browser.

In my opinion (I know Thomas doesn't use CSS), the proper way to do this
(depending on your workflow and the type of site you build) is to use CSS to
adjust the paragraph margin between the two paragraphs.

For example, paste this into your code view on a new page and take a look at
what I mean in Preview -
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus
dapibus urna. In lectus risus, congue porta, pharetra posuere, sodales eget,
nunc. Curabitur interdum placerat arcu. Aliquam elit leo, lobortis
vestibulum, tempor ut, sagittis sed, wisi. Nulla mi ipsum, sodales nec,
viverra vel, nonummy eget, libero. Nullam vel augue sed risus bibendum
<p>Praesent euismod molestie augue. Nam in elit sed justo accumsan
consectetuer. Sed tincidunt ipsum nec justo. Ut non ipsum a ipsum rutrum
congue. Vivamus velit augue, tempor eu, rhoncus vitae, malesuada id, turpis.
Aliquam ultricies.</p>
<p style="margin-top:.6em;margin-bottom:.6em;">Pellentesque pretium tortor a
turpis. Vivamus venenatis. Vestibulum vel eros in orci rutrum condimentum.
Morbi dui.
<p style="margin-top:.5em;margin-bottom:.5em;">Integer non velit at sem
facilisis tempus. Fusce bibendum pharetra ipsum. Nunc eget ligula a metus
dapibus dignissim. Donec imperdiet orci non diam.</p>
<p style="margin-top:.4em;margin-bottom:.4em;">Suspendisse potenti. Praesent
sem neque, scelerisque vel, aliquam eu, euismod a, quam. Nullam orci nunc,
ornare eget, rhoncus sit amet, vulputate ac, mi. Vestibulum nonummy arcu sed
arcu aliquam fringilla.</p>
<p style="margin-top:.3em;margin-bottom:.3em;">Vivamus et odio. Morbi nec
elit. Etiam ultricies volutpat nisl. Aenean in purus eget purus tincidunt
molestie. Donec eleifend faucibus metus. In lectus pede, commodo non,
condimentum sit amet, vehicula et, felis.</p>
<p style="margin-top:.2em;margin-bottom:.2em;">Integer ut est. Morbi et
massa imperdiet ipsum consectetuer vehicula. Nam lobortis mollis augue.
Vestibulum dui neque, mattis eget, tempor quis, rhoncus in, nunc. </p>

Note how the spacing between adjacent paragraphs gets progressively smaller.

While I have done this demo with inline styles (i.e., the CSS styles are
inline within the tag itself, the best way would be to use a stylesheet like
this (it can either be embedded in the head of the page, or linked to as an
external stylesheet) -

<style type="text/css">
p.special { margin-top:.2em; margin-bottom:.2em; }

and then in your text, you could have this -

<p class="special">The paragraph spacing</p>
<p class="special">between these lines</p>
<p class="special">will be very tight</p>
<p class="special">compared to regular paragraphs.</p>

Thomas A. Rowe

Note: If you use Murray's external style sheet method, and you attach the style sheet to all pages,
it will apply to all <p> tags, so if you happen to need to use a smaller or larger font on a
specific page, you will need to create additional styles classes to handle that text size.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WebMaster Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.


Actually, it would only apply to the <p> tags that had a class of "special"
but it's certainly worth repeating that concept....

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