Access Space between lines in MS Access Report

Nov 17, 2006
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I need to reduce space between lines in a custom paper size report that I need to create for a label.

My report custom paper size is 5.75 Inch x 1.75 Inch and the filed is

Font Name: Times New Roman

Font Size: 6

Can Grow: Yes

Can shrink: Yes

Section Detail Height: 0.0833" --- Reducing this value dose not reduce the space between lines

I tried VBA Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Me.Detail.Height = 3


rpt.Section(acDetail).Height = 10

but could not reduce the space between lines.

When I open the report I can see that there is space between lines that can be reduce ( I just need a hair line space between two lines)

Dose any one know how to fix this problem



I had already seen this link But it dose not help , is there any other way to reduce the spacing further .My report font is too small ( font size is 6 ) , and it dose redue the spaing below 100

Me.Detail.Height = 100

It dose not help if i set Me.Detail.Height = 10 or 1 or something else

I have tried rpt.Section(acDetail).Height = 10 also

this can inrease space between lines but it cannot reduce the spacing beyond certain point.

Dose any one know any other way

I have set height of all fields in report to 0.09" this is the height I want so that there is no extra space between lines --- The report looks fine with exact line spacing how I want ( with Can Grow: No)

BUT when I change the CAN GROW property of all fields to: YES it adds the extra space between the lines that I do not want.

I have tried to reduce the space between the lines by VBA code

VBA Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Me.Detail.Height = 30
rpt.Section(acDetail).Height = 30

but this dose not have any effect on space between line it can increase space between line if I set height to more than 150 but below 150 it dose not reduce the line space.

It has to do some thing with CAN GROW: YES properties

Can anyone suggest me how can I