Just to add a piece of info here...
When you right-click and "set autoshape defaults" on a textbox, you may
(probably will) wipe out the fill and line color on your actual autoshapes.
That means that ever time you draw a line or rectangle or other shape, it
will be invisible and you'll have to manually add a line/fill color.
So, after setting autoshape defaults on a textbox, I always immediately draw
a rectangle, give it a fill and line color, and right-click | "set autoshape
defaults" on it.
It took me awhile to figure that out, it's so nonintuitive, so I like to
spread the word when possible. ;-)
What's new in PPT 2007?
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances
John Wilson said:
If you're using text boxes as Linda suggests you can also adjust the lower
ruler caret and then right click the text box > set autoshape defaults.
text boxes should have the new bullet format.