SP4 problems after install

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dan
  • Start date Start date


I have put SP4 on 4 W2K Advanced servers via terminal
services. On 2 of the 4 the server now is responding very
slowly, when I terminal service into it on one of these
servers all's I get is a black screen. When I terminal
service into the other I can not open any explorer window
or the my computer icon, because it hangs.

I saw one post out there with similar symptons has anyone
else seen this?
-----Original Message-----
I have put SP4 on 4 W2K Advanced servers via terminal
services. On 2 of the 4 the server now is responding very
slowly, when I terminal service into it on one of these
servers all's I get is a black screen. When I terminal
service into the other I can not open any explorer window
or the my computer icon, because it hangs.

I saw one post out there with similar symptons has anyone
else seen this?

Similar problems. After I did the post-installation re-
boot, I can't log on to the server from the console. All
of the services seem to be running.

From another machine I can browse through the volumes with
Windows Explorer and I can use the Manage Computer mmc
snap-in (although the response is very slow). I can't
force a reboot through the snap-in though.

The only thing in the error log is a DCOM error that a
server didn't register in the specified time period.
Searching the registry using the GUID in the error
message, shows that the server is Llsmgr.Application.1 and
the inproc server is llsmgr.exe.
You and I have the exact same thing going on. Again MS
making us guinea pigs for new "patches"

Anyway, have you been able to uninstall sp4?
I had successfully installed SP4 via TS on a test server, so I felt
safe doing it on our live servers (3 of them). I had the brilliant
idea to do all of them at once. They are on a co-located network
isolated from the rest of our network.

Well, I got the ordinal 175 blah blah blah message when trying to
login after reboot.

Luckily a second reboot (power cycle) resolved the problem for 2 of
the three servers. In desparation, I rebooted the third server once
more and it worked. As "cheesy" of an idea as it is, try a few hard
reboots first -- you might get lucky like me.

C S said:
I had this also. Also couldn't console in but could telnet.

after killing the TS session from the command line and trying again, I could
go in but would get that dreaded userinit.exe ordinal 175 etc message.

After replacing userinit.exe and userenv.dll with the recovery console I was
ok. They were not updated after sp4. Make backups of the original files
before doing it!

Recovery console instructions can be found at Q254582

Cheers and good luck
Yes I have experienced this problem. It appeared after I installed
SP4 with a Win2K Terminal Server in Application mode. After applying
SP4 and receiving the ordinal 175 error, use Crtl,Alt, Del to get to
the task manager. Start a new task and enter "explorer" without the
quotes and that will get you to a desktop. You can then remove SP4.
Good Luck!
